So the hospital provides you with Medela breast pump parts that u can take home and use on your machine. Turns out technically you're not supposed to because the tube has an extra piece at the end that connects to the machine and with the in style advanced, u r supposed to use the tubes they provided, which doesn't have that extra piece...anyway, a piece got broken off and my hubby went as far as buying another one! I really hated the idea of spending an extra $ my hubs went online and found that u could buy the faceplate for $35. There was a comment from someone saying Medela replaced it for free - and they did! And they're shipping it next day! Woo! So for now, pumping one boob at a time, but yay at gettn refund for the extra pump we bought...
P.s. apparently I've been pronouncing it incorrectly. Meh-del-ah... It's supposed to be meh-dee-lah...