Any one here use Melatonin for their kids?

My 5 yr old is driving me batty - he has never been the best sleeper but it keeps getting worse!

He goes to sleep fine usually at 7-7:30pm - he wakes several times at night and if he wakes anytime after 3am - he is up FOR THE DAY!!!! ahhhhhh!!!!!

Besides the fact that he isn't getting enough sleep he is coming in my room every 30 mins asking if its time to get up so now I am tired (and cranky) too!

A friend suggested melatonin but I thought that was to help you fall asleep, not stay asleep.

I think I may call the ped today too.

Anyone here give their toddler melatonin? Does it work?

Also as a side note - I have played with his bedtimes too - making it early (630pm) and late (8pm) - doesn't matter, he still wakes!