Hi Everyone! I've been absent from the boards for the last week or so, and there's a good reason for that. Our baby Alanna Sonia was born on April 1st. We love her so much! After a few rough days, we're starting to figure out this whole parenting thing. One thing that has been really tough so far though is that my milk just isn't coming in. We're getting her to breastfeed plenty (although she only gets a few drops of milk during each session), and then after each BF session Alanna gets supplemental formula to help her gain weight. The supplementing was started a few days after her birth when her weight was dropping really quickly. I'm also pumping to try to encourage my milk to come in. Unfortunately, each feeding session now takes 1 hour +, after breastfeeding, formula, and pumping all take place. The process is getting exhausting, and I feel like this is not how it should be.
So I guess my question is... does anyone else have any experience with their milk not coming in for so long? It will be a week today. I know this is not normal, since most women get their milk within 3-5 days. I'm starting to lose hope, and I'm thinking that I might be one of those women who will never produce breastmilk. We have an appointment w/ a lactation consultant tomorrow, so maybe she will confirm my fears. Any support or advice would be much appreciated!