Today I ended up milking myself in the car at a rest stop... not fun!

The IL's are in town this week, so we took our nearly 5 month old with us to a small artist town about 2 hours away. He was perfect all day until about 20 minutes into the drive home- when all hell broke loose.

I had brought over 20 ounces (usually way more than we would need, but he's apparently growing) of pumped milk with us, and my MIL asked for another bottle... we were out and he was suddenly starving. She entertained him for another 40 minutes while I drove, but we finally got to a rest stop and pulled over to nurse-

And he went on nursing strike again!! Poor starving little man, and I think his mouth is sore from teething, so for the past few days he doesn't want to nurse in the afternoons. (babies!?! sigh)

So I ended up trying to manually express milk into a bottle, not very effectively. I really and truly appreciate both of my pumps (electric and manual) that I had left at home- it took me forever and so much discomfort just to get 2 ounces... which he promptly sucked down and started crying for more. We gave up and finished the final hour drive- 10 minutes from home he stopped crying and fell into a sound sleep.

We are laughing about it already, and I now know not to take his nursing strikes to heart, he gets over them quickly, (knock on wood!) but I freaked the first time he went on strike. Wish I could post the photo I took of him holding a little strike sign!