So today H and I were out and about and I saw some organic purée packs and noticed they had sweet potato apple. I thought it sounded yum, and we were planning on trying sweet potatoes next (have done bananas for 3 days) so I bought it.

Um I did not know that there are purée stages when buying them (I've been planning on making all of them, this was a purchase on a whim), and this is a Stage 2. I gave her some at around 3pm and again at 730pm. Is this bad? Isn't there more chance of a. Reaction since she's got to process 2 things? Can one have an allergic reaction to sweet potatoes and apples?

If something were wrong- I'd already know, right? She'd be throwing up or something?

Sigh. Mom Fail.

I thought the 2 on the pack meant 2 SERVINGS.

Dur ta dur!