I thought it'd be nice to get to know some of the bee's with older, school-aged, kiddos!

I'm a mom of 2, G & P, so I fit into two categories around here, school-aged & toddler. I'm a WAHM mom doing administrative & event planning for a small ministry my mother started. I've been married to G's stepdad for 2 years & G is sooooo happy to finally have a little sister!

G is almost 9 year old & is homeschooled. He of course loves being a big brother, bmx & skateboarding (which he wishes we had where we live so he could compete), superheros, and LEGOS!

Any other mommas of older munchkins?!

I originally made this gold but realized we may not have that many moms of school aged kids & I don't want to limit who can answer. If there are a good handful of us that do have gold & would prefer this post gold I can change it back.