I'm almost 7 months postpartum. My first period after baby was longer than usual, about 3 weeks. This period has been the period from hell. It's lasted almost 4 weeks, with bright red blood, clotting, and has shown zero sign of stopping. I thought it was normal to have irregular or heavy periods after baby so didn't think much about it. Then I started displaying symptoms of anemia, so I contacted my doctor. She put me on a 10 day course of provera and said it should stop the bleeding.

I wondered if any of you ladies have gone through this, or what your experiences were taking provera to stop heavy bleeding. I'm on day 3, and still bleeding. Did it work for you? Do you remember how long it took?

I'm feeling like an awful mom because I'm so fatigued I want to sleep all the time, have little appetite, and am not being as interactive with my LO or taking him out of the house much.