So I've always had low supply. When I started EP'ing 5 weeks ago, I was pumping 5 times/day and always got 17.5-18.5 oz every single day without fail. After 2 weeks I dropped to 4 pumping/day and supply stayed the exact same (yay!) for 2 weeks. Then a little over a week ago it started getting lower and was 16 oz for a few days then 15 oz and now yesterday I only got 14.5

I've been eating and drinking the same and I haven't taken any new meds or been sick.

The big differences I think are stress and sleep? 2 weeks ago Fia's eating went to shit (see 10,000 posts about it..) and obviously it has been stressing me out majorly. Like, haven't cried this much since she was a newborn stress. Also because she isn't eating much during the day she's waking up a lot more angry at night, and I've been setting an alarm to get up and dream feed her 1-2/night so she gets enough to eat. Prior to that she'd been STTN and I was getting like 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Now I'm getting 5-6 hours of sleep broken up by at least 2-4 wake ups/alarm feedings.

I can't go to bed earlier because I stay up to pump, and I don't want to start pumping MOTN because I'm already up so much trying to feed her it would cut into my already low sleep.

Any ideas on how I can get my supply back up? I'm really bummed if I'm going to be getting less than 15/oz/day now

Oh also!! Randomly around the time this started my boobs started draining unevenly. The left still lets down fast, drains most of what I'll get in under 10 min and then I pump until 20 min to make sure it is really done but rarely get much in the last 10 min. The right boob just drips for like 5 min, then it comes out slower and often is still going at 20 min and I have to extend until 30 min to make sure its done. I had a clogged duct last week but I believe I worked it out.