I struggled with high blood pressure throughout my pregnancy. I had pre eclampsia and a hemmhorage with my first baby, so we were on high alert this time. This second baby was also measuring very, very large. The decision was made to do a scheduled c section at 37 weeks. I was worried to have major surgery on top of delivery and worried about taking baby so early. My last pregnancy was an induction/vaginal delivery at almost 41 weeks.
We arrived at the hospital at 730 and surgery was scheduled for 930. All went smoothly and we took care of all the pre-op paperwork, IVs, blood draws, and doc visits.
Around 930, I walked to the operating room. I sat down on the bed to have the spinal placed. I felt a tiny sting where they numb the skin before the actual needle is placed. That was the last thing I felt before my lower half went basically completely numb. I could feel a little skin sensation and pulling/tugging but zero pain.
The surgery got underway and my only negative symptom was on and off nausea. The anesthesiologist did a good job of managing it for me when it got bad.
Baby was born at 10:03 AM weighing 10 lbs, 8 oz, and was 21 inches long. DH got to cut the cord and I got to look at him while I got stiched up. We were in the recovery room snuggling by 11am.
The postpartum recovery has really been a breeze. My bleeding has been lighter than a period since about day 5 and by day 10 I didn't need any pain meds any more. My incision is basically painless at this point.
Mentally, I had three days where I felt really, really bad. Crying, dark thoughts, etc. But I feel better now. I was taking anti depressants before I got pregnant and started them again the day I delivered. I'm glad to have them back again.
I'm so thankful to feel so normal at this point postpartum, because last time it took months. I'm not breastfeeding this time around so having my body back to myself already feels so good.
I found this whole birth experience to be so healing! Who knew?!