So my LO will be 10 months next week. My supply has progressively been getting less and less since I went back to work at 3 months. I was able to eek out enough milk to keep her EBF until 6 months, but then I started supplementing with formula.

A combination of factors has been bringing down my supply... she's eating more solids, less interested in nursing, she sliced a giant hole in her tongue and didn't nurse for days, I'm not pumping as much, I'm stressed, haven't been getting enough sleep, have been sick, etc.....

I used to get about 10oz from 3 pumping sessions at work... then I was getting 7oz from 2 sessions... Mon and Wed I only got 3 oz though from 3 sessions...

Today I only pumped once so far but I only got 2oz and I didn't even nurse this morning... yikes!

I am taking domperidome and fenugreek... can my supply rebound from this if I start pumping like crazy or is it too late? Is my supply completely drying up? Should I throw in the towel or try to make it to my goal of 12 months?

I usually nurse when I get home from work, before LO goes to bed, once in the night, and sometimes in the morning.