I met a nanny today that I really like! She gave me tons of references with her resume and I've called a few so far and she was given glowing reviews. She's pretty much exactly what I had envisioned- a sweet grandmotherly type:)

I used Ms Bee's list of nanny questions (very helpful!) and I asked her what she is seeking per hour. She said $13. I was thinking more in the $11-$12 range.

Do you negotiate with pay rate? When I apply for a job, my pay requirement is not really negotiable. If you want me, you'll have to pay what I want. I feel this way because I'm good at what I do. This nanny was very confident in her abilities and proud of her work and her relationships with the families.

So should I just suck it up and pay the extra $1 per hour? Or do nannies give rates so that they can be negotiated?

I'm kind of leaning toward getting over it and just paying what she is asking bc at the end of the day, all I care about is that H is getting really good care w/someone I trust...