This is my 15, almost 16 mo old's eating schedule right now:

6-6:30 | Wake up
7-7:30 | Drink 6-8 oz milk
7:30-8 | Breakfast
--- Snacks at some point @ daycare or home ---
1-1:30 | Lunch
--- Snacks at some point @ daycare or home ---
6-6:30 | Dinner, 6-8 oz milk
7 ] Bed

Afternoon snack and dinner time is where we're having a problem. I am pretty sure she eats enough at lunch, b/c she doesn't want snacks but then at 4pm she is starving and MUST eat otherwise super cranky. But then by the time I get home and we eat dinner at 6, she doesn't want to eat! And she also sleeps by like 7 so we can't really delay dinner.

So currently our proposed remedy is to give her a super light snack at 4 and then just feed her dinner by 5pm. and have her drink milk when we eat and then bed. It kinda sucks that way b/c we like having dinner together, and it sucks for DH that he'll have to prep/feed her dinner himself...

Any thoughts?