I was at the Dr today and while there I mentioned I've been having some serious sleep issues with DD. She said I should try and start feeding her more solids a day. I'm currently feeding lunch and dinner pureed. I'd like to start giving her more finger foods for snacks but I'm at a loss of what to give. I have this huge fear of her choking and I'm trying really hard to become more comfortable with her eating on her own.

Currently when I give finger foods, I'll give strawberries/pears/soft fruits like that cut up into thin strips. I've also made pancakes with strawberries and blueberries cut into strips for her.

What else should I do? Pastas? Cheese? I'm just at a loss for ideas!

Also, do you cut foods into strips or in small chunks? She only has 2 teeth right now. They are either the ones beside the top center ones, or the incisors, it's hard to get a good look at them.

Thank you