I know I made a long post about this earlier in the week but I have a very specific question and my friends and family are sick of me asking them! Plus they really don't understand.
So we've been night weaning this week because of early dental decay, and as of last night I didnt nurse him from bedtime until 5am (yay!!!).
Tonight I have my work stretch of Friday/Saturday/Sunday. I normally nurse him at ~ 1:30pm before work, and at 12-1am after work would do a dream feed when I go to bed. I no longer pump at work and am pretty full by this point! He only recently stopped waking up the second I walk in the door.
So I figure these are my options. I want to be gentle with night weaning, but don't want to backtrack too badly.
A. Dream feed as usual at midnight, wipe mouth out with washcloth and if he wakes up soothe back to sleep without nursing.
B. Pump at work at his usual bedtime. Try to keep the 4-5a or later time for nursing.
C. Pump at home after work just a bit for my comfort before bed. See what time he wakes up and devise a plan on the spot whether to delay nursing or nurse.