My LO is 6 weeks old and had both his tongue and lip ties clipped at 4 weeks. He has a high palate and a shallow latch and even with the revision we are only able to nurse with a shield. As annoying as using it is, it's the only way we can nurse so I am grateful for it.
For those of you who have used a shield, how long did it take your LO to nurse? It takes LO 30-45 minutes to nurse both sides and he isn't draining the breast. I usually start on one side and if he pops off I offer the same side again. If he pops off a second time after nursing some more then I offer the second side and he seems satisfied.
Also, if you felt like LO didn't drain your breast did you pump afterwards too? My LC suggested to pump afterwards to fully empty the breast and keep my supply up, but by the time I'm feeding him then pumping it can take an hour and it's too time consuming!