I have used music to get me through various times in my life. I made a playlist for my wedding and my honeymoon. I made playlists to keep me focused when I was leaving a job and venturing out to something new and exciting. Playlists for road trips, playlists for mood shifts, and a playlist to work through the difficulty of infertility.

I'm on the other side now - my baby boy will be 1 month old tomorrow. And I will just say this...I've had a few melt downs in the past 4 weeks and I've tried my best to remind myself of where I was a year ago. On the cusp of treatments after working through all of the infertility testing during the fall of 2012. What a difference a year makes. But oh how difficult infertility is...

Back to the power of music...this song came up on my ipod while I was feeding my son and it brought tears to my eyes again. I know that the holidays, and the end of the year in general, creates a certain kind of pressure even if you aren't trying to conceive. And while you have probably heard every piece of advice you ever want to hear...here's just a little more. From the Weepies.

This Is Not Your Year | the Weepies

Scattered shadows on a wall, you watch the long light fall
Some impressions stay and some will fade
Tattered shoes outside your door, your clothes all on the floor
Your life feels like the morning after all year long.

Every day it starts again
You cannot say if you're happy
You keep trying to be
Try harder, maybe, maybe
this is not your year.
This is not your year.

Movies, TV screens reflect just what you expected
There's a world of shiny people somewhere else
Out there following their bliss
living easy, getting kissed
while you wonder what else you're doing wrong

Every day it starts again
You cannot say if you're happy
You keep trying to be
Try harder, maybe, maybe
this is not your year.
This is not your year.

Breathe through it, write a list of desires
Make a toast, make a wish, slash some tires
Paint a heart repeating, beating
"don't give up, don't give up, don't give up."

Scattered shadows on a wall, you watch the long light fall
Some impressions stay and some will fade away

Every day it starts again
Someday you'll say it
That you're happy
Keep trying to be, try harder harder, maybe, maybe
This is not your year
This is not your year
It's just not your year
This is not your year
This is not your year