So here is another feeding post from me. Sorry in advance.
E is 7.5 months old 6.25ish months adjusted. He nurses awesomely and is gaining just fine. However we were encouraged to give solids a go. The first time E had cereal it all came back up, I thought it was a fluke, as he does spit up often. However every time he has cereal he throws it back up. (Legit vomit) Not to mention when he is eating it he just lets it roll around in his mouth. He seems to do ok with plain fruit and veggie purées as long as they are kinda thick. Some problem with it just rolling around in his mouth. He doesn't seem to be excited for food. E seems interested in our food and his brothers food but he isn't excited in his own.
I guess I am just wondering if perhaps we are having some feeding issues due to his premature arrival. He was also tongue and lip tied.
Any suggestions?