persimmon / 1419 posts
@Kaohinani: I don’t know. I’m waiting on the pathology results from the EUE this morning, those won’t be ready until tomorrow. It is looking like another ectopic pregnancy, though. They didn’t find anything, on ultrasound but they said I ovulated from the left side this time so now I’m worried that both my tubes are obstructed. Most likely though I’m going to need MTX from the ER sometime this weekend. I feel like DH is taking this one particularly hard... We may start looking into adoption.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@karenbme: *Big hugs* Oh, wow, that is a lot to handle both physically and emotionally. I, truly, feel for both you and DH. Know that I will be thinking of you and hoping for the absolute best outcome. Please, keep us updated.
persimmon / 1419 posts
@creativemomma15: I had almost the exact same experience. About a month before we started trying the first time, another friend was also trying to time #1 for summer and sure that she’d be able to make it happen quickly. As it turned out we both got pregnant right away, but now they have a four month old and I have 3 losses. Her son was born the day before my first due date. I feel you, lady, it’s so hard.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: a very negative OPK!? WHAT IN THE H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS IS GOING ON!?
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@creativemomma15: @karenbme: I don't have a kosher way with words, but that effing blows. It's a shit club to be in, but at least there are others on here that's been through it.
nectarine / 2648 posts
So still no AF (so no drinks with Mom) but still cramping and on Wondfo tonight. Whiter than white. Womp womp. Ugh. Sorry guys, I’m a downer but I have to vent somewhere. Tomorrow is another day, and I have an appointment for ♀️ cut, color and blowout with my Moroccan miracle worker. Hoping that will be an escape and a little pick me up.
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Sams Mom: both you and Kaohinani have had such weird cycles! Fingers crossed that you Oed early and your outliers have you covered. I always say I’m not going to temp, but wind up starting around day 7 because Im obsessed with having as much data as possible. I hope you’re able to stress less, but sometimes more data is better for peace of mind.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: sounds like a fun day tomorrow. Since having my son I think I've had 4 haircuts and 1 highlight 🤦♀️ enjoy your day!
You're no more of a downer than anyone else has ever been, so don't worry about that because we all have bad ones.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@karenbme: I'm about all the info possible, but work has been so stressful and I've been waking up for hours at a time at night, then sleeping through my alarm that it's gone by the wayside this month.
I hope I got something covered because I'm beginning to think I missed it, or won't. CD 21 progesterone check might be telling or a waste of time because I haven't O'd
persimmon / 1419 posts
@yellowbeach: Sorry to hear you’re still in limbo/leaning to being out. I’m jealous of your hair appointment! I haven’t had a good one since my stylist moved like 2 years ago. After I get through this drama I need to do something like that.
clementine / 950 posts
@yellowbeach: that’s what I did today too except I’m pretty sure my hair is green now (was going for more of a gray vibe lol)
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Sams Mom: ick, that sounds awful. Everything is so much harder when you’re not sleeping. Have you talked to your dr? My GP recommended fish oil when I wasn’t sleeping bc of stress a while ago and it totally fixed it for me.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@karenbme: I haven't seen him since right before I started not sleeping. I'll email him this weekend if I don't see him while I'm out about this weekend.
I haven't even had fertile CM yet, so maybe I'm having an anovulary cycle... Even though I'm on meds?... Sooo confused
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Sams Mom: well, either way, my fingers are crossed for you. ️ I know nothing about medicated cycles but I know cm can be drastically different from month to month.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
I had the beginning of a migraine at work today. I was hot, nauseous and vomited. My co-workers let me sleep in the dark for an hour and it helped a lot. Thank goodness! One asked if I was pregnant 🤣 sooooo fingers crossed?!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Wow, a LOT went on last night on the board!
As for me, 16 dpo and both oral and TD temps have dropped quite a bit. TMI - I woke a bit sticky-wet ... No AF, though.
Absolutely no other AF signs, but at 16 dpo, I have no pregnancy symptoms at all either. I think AF is inevitable and this is a freak cycle. At this point, *shrugs* I can't do much, now can I?
nectarine / 2648 posts
@karenbme: thanks - I actually drive 2 hours to where I used to live and still go to the same woman. She’s been doing my hair since 2005 we’ve been through 4 long term relationships of mine, 3 of hers, my wedding, multiple formal galas... been looking for someone where I am now x 4 years and no one compares.
So again this morning, and at least I’m finally spotting a little. Just ready to move on. Not sure I’m going to jump on the November board just yet as I need to think about if skipping a cycle makes sense. I take an important board exam Nov 5, and haven’t yet decided if I’ll be more distracted by a transfer or NOT doing a transfer. 🤔
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: FWIW, we will miss you if you aren't on the November board but it is absolutely understandable.
Honestly, if it were me, I would take the month off from doing a transfer and just simply "try naturally" knowing that the following cycle will be your "invested," clinical approach cycle. Focus on your exam and enjoying intimacy with the hubby.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: probably TMI but we are afraid to conceive naturally again because there’s a change of another chromosomal problem. DH and I haven’t DTD in gosh... I am to embarrassed to say
persimmon / 1419 posts
@Kaohinani: Sorry to see your temp’s back down, I was so hoping for you. ️
persimmon / 1419 posts
@yellowbeach: Sorry to hear you’re spotting. Use this month to take the pressure off, especially since it sounds like you have a lot of pressure with your exam. And practice with a condom if you feel like it. It might be different without the TTC stress
grapefruit / 4144 posts
"If the structural chromosome abnormality is not present in one of the parents, but is only seen in the child born with the abnormality, the chance for the structural chromosome abnormality to be seen again in a future pregnancy is usually very low." (Quoted from affixed scholarly article based on studies in the field).
I do understand that AMA also compounds your fear as in one's 30's, I believe, the chromosomal abnormality rate is around 1 in 195. However, after 40, your chances are closer to 1 in 66.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@karenbme: Thank you. C'est la vie ... I have no control over any of this. I just have to stay positive and think, "Not this month. Not this cycle. Next one may be mine! "
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Kaohinani: ahh I was wondering what your temp did this morning! Welllll it’s still above the cover line?!
@yellowbeach: I think I would be tempted to take a cycle off too, to focus on your exam etc. But you have to do what’s right for you!!
AFM: I tested today at what I think is 8dpo. I KNOW it’s too early but I had to I feel like I see a slight shadow but I think it’s jusy my eyes playing tricks on me. I will try again tomorrow.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: yeah and we were the 1 in 66 before with our TFMR. While it seems odd to think you’d get struck by lightening twice, that lightening of life-altering, so we are understandably fearful of it. That’s why we went back to IVF.
But I digress, AF is officially here. what I do like about FF is when AF comes, as soon as you mark it, you get a fresh, clean chart and a chance to try again. The reminders of the stress of the last cycle are wiped away.
grapefruit / 4554 posts
Hi ladies.
Popping in to see if anybody wanted a handful clearblue ovulation test ( I have the original not the advanced one), wandfo opk and hpt? I won’t be needing them and they expire next year.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: I completely understand. The fear is real. I feel the same fear. While both of my children tested fine through Amniocentesis (no chromosomal abnormalities), both have had developmental delays and surgeries stemming from issues during in utero development. DD has severe ADHD (which is fairly rare in girls) and has had surgery on her ear for an undeveloped tube, as well as, for 2 seperate hernias (one hiatial and one lower that was found shortly after delivery) before the age of 6. My DS has a speech delay (lateral lisp and stutter that sets him back 1.5 years verbally) and has had a hypospadias repair (mild). They are, currently, discussing facial-cranial surgery to realign his jaw, as well as, tubes in his ears. The fear that, IF by chance we are EVER ABLE to conceive, we will have another child with "issues" or even a severe disability is real; however, I remain hopeful. I also think of it this way: I was a special education teacher for many years, I had been a researcher in the field of genetics at a college before I began teaching, I have taken many first aid classes and medical courses... If there is anyone who was "meant" to have and take care of MY children and their difficulties (physically, mentally, and socially), it should be me. That thought gives me comfort, as well as, the idea that everything is out of my hands. I, personally, can't dwell on what might happen just because I have two awesome, brilliant kids who happen to have a few delays due to not being "fully cooked" (* words from an old pediatrician of ours. ), I have to keep going and trying. Hopefully, dealing with an RE will increase our odds for conception (and decrease the odds of both inviability or defect.).
Yellowbeach - I absolutely understand what you are saying though, as you have the choice and ability at this time to limit the percentage of your chances for a repeat structural chromosomal abnormality, so why not utilize it? It is sound logic. I, really, can't wait to see you happy with a successful BFP. Hugs, and hoping your next attempt is extra-sticky!
pear / 1610 posts
@Kaohinani: Yes, not a fun club to join, but I have found lots of supportive people. I'm so grateful for the few friends I have that have been through this and can relate...
@karenbme: I'm so sorry for your loss and all the unknown of what happens next. And it is hard juggling those hard feelings of jealousy of our friends having their pregnancies and babies when we were supposed to too.
@yellowbeach: I'm sorry AF has shown up. Hoping you can find some rest in your decision to skip or move ahead with next month
@QBbride: I'm 7 DPO and I feel like the closer I get to 10 DPO the more anxious I get to test! 8 dpo is early but I know how hard it is to wait! I'm starting to get into that mind game of "am I pregnant? Am I not?" all the time!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
I have clomid from an rx that I never took a few years ago. I’m thinking about taking it this month and going without the trigger and monitoring. We just really shouldn’t spend money this month if possible, and I think it’s worth a shot. Any thoughts on why this would be a bad idea? I was never monitored when I took it with my first two, and haven’t had any cysts or anything. I wonder if it’s still going to be effective since it’s most likely expired...
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@LAZB: I don't know about the efficacy after expiration (pharmaceuticals aren't my "thing." ) but since they were prescribed to YOU, and you have used them previously without complications (unmonitored), I suspect it SHOULD be fine. Are you taking any new meds or supplements that may generate contraindications on the use of Clomid? Of course, you just came off of a cycle using another medication (IDK if you used Clomid with injectables/triggers in past cycles) so I'm not certain of your hormone levels, uterine quality pre Clomid use, or how "hard" Clomid will make you ovulate following this past cycle. You may wish to call a pharmacy (or best, your PCM or OBGYN) to ask. It really "shouldn't" be an issue though as far as I would think.
persimmon / 1419 posts
So, ladies, I’m officially tapping out until at least January. Thanks for all the support through this process, and I hope all of you have gotten your BFPs by the time I’m back. Pathology confirmed that there wasn’t any pregnancy tissue in my uterus, and my HCG continued to rise since yesterday, so I got the MTX shot today for ectopic pregnancy. Fingers crossed I only need one dose this time, but the recommendation is to wait at least 3 months before trying again because of how toxic MTX is. Good luck to all of you!! Lots and lots and lots of baby dust.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@LAZB: delurking to say that I did this last year for 1 or 2 cycles. It didn’t get me a bfp but I did get the lovely clomid side effects so it did something at least. I also wasn’t monitored at the time it was prescribed and felt ok with it.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@karenbme: I’m so sorry, I was hoping for better news for you ️
@Kaohinani: @bhbee: I think I may go for it. I’d like to save the $1k this month, and don’t think the trigger is totally necessary for me. I just hope it is still effective!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@karenbme: I'm sad to see you go, but I hope these next 3 months gives you time to recharge. Also hoping the RE can give you a why and a plan of action.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
Still no positive OPK for me on CD 15 🤷♀️
I went to my first spin class this morning, didn't pass out or die, but definitely didn't keep up with the full routine.
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