I figured I would make an October board for those of us who got BFN in September. Best of luck to everyone!
Respond as follows for the board:
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
Anything exciting happening this month:
I figured I would make an October board for those of us who got BFN in September. Best of luck to everyone!
Respond as follows for the board:
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
Anything exciting happening this month:
pear / 1809 posts
Cycle Day: 1 (AF arrived today)
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: Around 9/25
POAS Date: 10/10
Baby #: 3
Anything exciting happening this month: My birthday!
kiwi / 624 posts
I’m going to come back and post when I know where I’m at day wise (have had some pretty wonky cycles while breastfeeding), but I’m hoping we’ll be ttc next month and that I’ll get to poas! Trying for baby #3 too and I’m so excited and have been waiting all year to start ttc. Haha
pear / 1809 posts
@Petitduck: That's exciting you'll be trying for #3 soon! I totally understand wonky breastfeeding cycles. Mine were all over the place with both kids, and with my oldest I didn't get a period until he was almost a year old.
persimmon / 1082 posts
@cat620: @Petitduck: I’m trying for baby #2. I posted on the September board because AF still hasn’t arrived. Negative tests(took one yesterday) and I am unsure when I ovulated. Waiting for AF. I am breastfeeding LO but down to once a day right before bed. I’m wondering if this will hurt TTC?!?
TTC: cycle 2
Ovulation date: unknown
POAS: not too sure right now
Baby #2
kiwi / 624 posts
@cat620: I have had mine back for only 3 cycles now and the range is 31-37 days. Convinced myself I was pregnant last month. I was not.
@cake2017: I am down to morning and night now and that’s what I was at when I got pregnant with my second. My first was 13 months old. I think it impacts people differently. Hopefully it won’t impact either of us negatively. b
persimmon / 1082 posts
@Petitduck: That’s great! I’d love them close together like that! I was regular until this month. I dont want to keep testing and seeing the BFN. Hopefully something soon! Good luck to you too!
persimmon / 1082 posts
@Petitduck: that’s the thing! I POAS like five times! lol( the first four were with expired tests) and I finally bought new tests! The FR test the other day was negative so I think i am out! I’m just gonna wait for AF and hope to join y’all here! I’ll be following:)
kiwi / 624 posts
@cake2017: very weird. I peed on 80 million things last month. Haha.
Great, I had a 26 day cycle this time. Af today. I may not be even able to do October because we have a set date to start which is after the first week. I’m already obsessed with ttc and we haven’t even started yet...
nectarine / 2648 posts
Not yet officially joining but wanted to start following and say good luck
pea / 20 posts
Hi there! Trying to post more on the boards so thought I'd start here.
Waiting for AF but should start any moment (BFN yesterday and today).
We are going for baby #3! My boys are 5 and 2.75.
I have been on the fence about #3 (mainly due to $ and logistics) but we officially decided to go for it and I had my IUD removed in July. The plan was to take a casual approach and if it happened it happened, but that lasted all of a couple days. Ha!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Dropping in to wish all of you ladies the best of luck for October!
(I may be joining you ladies next week.)
persimmon / 1082 posts
@jaybirdie: Welcome!! I got another BFN this morning! So waiting for AF to appear too!!! Good luck to you!!!!
coffee bean / 28 posts
Cycle Day: 8
TTC Cycle: 1 (though we have been NTNP for a while now.)
Ovulation Date: Sometime between September 17 -22
POAS Date: October 4
Baby #: 1
Anything exciting happening this month: Hopefully finishing some home renos. My house has been a disaster for too long!
coffee bean / 37 posts
I just started my TTW, but I don't want to get my hopes up like last month and spiral into a depressive state. So I'm being optimistic and cheering on everyone else! Good Luck this month!!
pear / 1728 posts
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle: 5
Ovulation Date: 9/30 ish
POAS Date: 10/13
Baby #: 2
Anything exciting happening this month: Not exciting exactly but we just sold our house so very busy with the craziness of moving!
clementine / 811 posts
I guess it's about time to check in.
Cycle Day: 5
TTC Cycle: oh, too many. I've been off BC since May 2013.
Ovulation Date: 26.09 according to FF
POAS Date: 10.10 for now, will update when OV is confirmed.
Baby #: 1
Anything exciting happening this month: It's my birthday in just under three weeks!
nectarine / 2648 posts
Ok, I'm officially joining...
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: ~ 10/7 per FF
POAS Date: TBD once frozen embryo transfer (FET) date is established
Baby #: 3
Anything exciting happening this month: At the end of the month I'm headed to a big national industry conference in Nashville to give 2 talks! I'm pretty psyched as this has been a big career goal. It means missing Halloween with DD, but DH will handle that role well in my absence (he luuuuvs Halloween)
Hoping for a lot of luck this month as we just had what was likely a chemical pregnancy this past month and that was preceded by a TFMR. We're due for some happy news!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Cycle Day: 2 I think, but it’s the lightest af ever, so maybe not
TTC Cycle: 8 with 2 miscarriages in there
Ovulation Date: Around 9/30
POAS Date: 10/13 for now
Baby #: 4
pear / 1809 posts
@cake2017: I breastfed my oldest twice a day when I got pregnant with my second, so for me it didn't get in the way, but I think everyone is different.
@jaybirdie: Our kids are close in age! I have two boys - 5 and 3 (birthday in August). It took me a while to get on board with having a third too, but now I'm looking forward to the possibility!
Good luck to everyone joining!
pear / 1809 posts
October 2018 POAS
Blythe: 10/4
yellowbeach: 10/7
Cat620: 10/10
paranundrum: 10/10
skinnycow: 10/13
LAZB: 10/13
Good luck!!
pea / 20 posts
Cycle Day: CD 8
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: 9/27ish
POAS Date: 10/13
Baby #: 3
Anything exciting happening this month: Going to Big Sur for a long weekend which will be wonderful. I love having little family adventures to look forward to.
Honestly, not feeling too optimistic about this month since H will be traveling during what will probably be my fertile window. I usually O around CD 16 and he will be gone CD 14-16. We will still give it a go but keeping my expectations low.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
I started clomid tonight, yay! And go for an ultrasound to check my follicles on Wednesday. If I don’t get a Bfp this mo th, I may switch back to my regular obgyn and just do clomid without trigger (and monitoring) just because I always respond well, and the $1k a month is adding up. Hopefully this month works though!
pear / 1809 posts
@yellowbeach: Oh sorry! I got your ovulation date mixed up with your POAS date.
@LAZB: Hoping you get your BFP!
pear / 1809 posts
October 2018 POAS
Blythe: 10/4
Cat620: 10/10
paranundrum: 10/10
skinnycow: 10/13
LAZB: 10/13
jaybirdie: 10/13
yellowbeach: TBD
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Hi ladies!
I got a BFN yesterday and started spotting last night, so I’m ready to roll over to October!
Cycle day: 1
TTC cycle: 2
Ovulation date: October 5
POAS date: October 15 (probably earlier, who am I kidding 🤣)
Baby: #3! ️
I got my IUD removed in August, so last cycle was super confusing.
. (@jaybirdie: I feel like we have a lot of similarities with IUDs coming out and baby #3!)
pomegranate / 3904 posts
This is a weird cycle, I had a super light period for like 2 days, and have been spotting for 5 days after that. I hope my body is ready to go again this month. I guess I’ll know more on Wednesday.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@LAZB: Me too - had 1 day of spotting, then 2 days of normal flow, then 1 day of nada, and 1 day of spotting. WTH? It also came 2 days early, so who knows.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@yellowbeach: so strange! My doc said it was probably a light period because my lining hadn’t fully built up since it was the first cycle post mc, but why all the spotting?
nectarine / 2648 posts
Ugh can we somehow please put the next two weeks on 2x speed?!?! I don’t even have an US to check my lining until CD13, and last month it wasn’t until CD22 that we did an embryo transfer. Now the 2WW is at both the beginning and the end for me! It’s like double torture.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@yellowbeach: ivf is so hard! I hope you find distractions leading up to the transfer!i have a “real life” friend doing ivf that is on pretty much the same exact schedule as you, and she flies to Colorado for each transfer. Im rooting so hard for both of you!
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Anyone else use a menstrual cup? It’s so hard to
Know whether this is just spotting or actual flow??
pear / 1728 posts
@QBbride: I do! My spotting is usually dark brown and then turns red when my period starts. I've also had realllllly heavy AFs since I had my daughter so it's pretty obvious for me!
persimmon / 1141 posts
@QBbride: I've used a menstrual cup before, and maybe it's just me, but it gave me UTI-like symptoms so I wasn't consistent with it. Maybe I wasn't gentle enough inserting it. But my AF is also bright red from the start (I don't spot). My periods also became super heavy after I had kids.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
I’ve had maybe 3 periods since I got pregnant in 2012, so I really have no clue what’s normal post-babies. My period took forever to come back the first time and I had Mirena the second time. It’s super light though. We’ll see I guess! Thanks @skinnycow: @SupernovaJ:
clementine / 795 posts
Joining the October board since I'm expecting to ovulate within the next few days and POAS in early Oct.
Cycle Day: 19
TTC Cycle: 5
Ovulation Date: 9/27
POAS Date: 10/7
Baby #2. LO1 is 2.
@yellowbeach: I feel your pain! I have longer cycles so the wait to ovulate each month feels SO long.
good luck to everyone in October!!
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