So I’ve posted before about being a little unhappy about our school situation. DD is in K, and turned 5 on 10/31 so is the youngest by a bit, and is in a good public school system but still I’m not thrilled.
Recently she’s been getting a math worksheet for homework about every other night. Tonight it’s got strands of numbers and you’re supposed to write the missing number (1 2 _ 4 5 for example). Last night it was groups of shapes with a number next to them, and you were supposed to circle the right number of shapes. I got home from work after bedtime last night so we didn’t do the homework. Tonight she’s exhausted and wants to play a card game. I think a card game is more worthwhile than a math worksheet.
We actually do a fair amount of math at home—my husband is a financial advisor and big on it, and we try to weave math concepts in when we can. I feel like real life applications are more appropriate at this age. She also struggles with writing some of her numbers backwards which upsets her. I think this added “stress” isn’t worth it because aren’t a lot of 5 year olds just learning how to write at all?
Anyway, I’d love feedback from teachers and/or seasoned parents. Should I shirk the math homework in favor of what I think is working better for her/our family? She’s not falling behind and has a good grasp of addition, counting by multiples. What are your thoughts on math worksheets and worksheets in general for 5 year olds/kindergartners?