Is it possible to have overactive letdown on one side? LO nurses great on the left side, but when I try to put him on the right he resists latching - arches his head away, shakes his head, and cries. If he does latch, half of the milk ends up dribbling out of his mouth and all over me and the boppy, and then he pulls away and gags/coughs.

I'm not sure what to do, but I feel so awful because he won't feed from the right side, so I keep putting him back on the left, but then I feel like I'm not making enough milk on the left to satisfy him. Tonight, in our bedtime feeding, he nursed for 47 minutes on the left and 11 on the right...and he's still wide awake and rooting for the boob. I'm at my wit's end! I just had to bring him back downstairs and hand him over to Hubs so I could have a mental breakdown. I feel totally inadequate. HELP!

ETA: He is 11 days old.