This is a serious overthinking alert but SIP has ramped up my anxiety.
I reached out to my kids' amazing outdoor school teacher asking if she'd be interested in taking on the kids while DH and I worked. She's overqualified as a babysitter so I felt bad asking but she has a kid of similar age, has a rapport with my kids, and I told her I was asking her first just in case it worked out. It was clear I would pay but I indicated we we're flexible on what the arrangement would look like (# of hours, # of days/week). I also explained my essential role and that I was allowed to seek childcare. I asked her to let me know if she was interested.
I emailed her this on Sunday and haven't heard back. We had been corresponding by email last week on another topic. In the first 24 hours I thought no immediate response was a good thing, like she was considering it. After three days I'm guessing it won't be a yes.
What's the best way to check in? Or by saying 'let me know if you're interested' does no response mean no?