persimmon / 1178 posts
@beaker: We are here to be dumped on. And it really sounds like your life IS sucky right now- way to own it!
And not knowing what is going on is the WORST. Hope you can get answers ASAP and that you see improvement even sooner!
persimmon / 1178 posts
Also, does anyone else ever wish you could drink at the hospital? Or is that just me.........
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@lizzywiz: lol. I don't even care about alcohol I just wish I could eat in his room! So hungry, can't sneak out to eat since I'm still waiting for rounds... They're always slow on the weekends!
pomelo / 5628 posts
I would always sneak Cliff bars. I agree eating take a aback seat then you're starving and even more irritable...bad combo.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@beaker: I feel like I tried every bottle/nipple out there, but we ended up going with dr brown's. I liked the preemie nipple and bottle the best. I hope whatever is making him sick clears up soon, NEC is the absolutely worst. I hope that's not it! And dump away. It's your turn.
clementine / 918 posts
@lizzywiz: maybe my husband and I are rebels but we have wine in here on the regular. My birthday started terribly with a fight with my husband on Thursday and an MRI for LB which ment 2 hours of sedation and intubation, but turned out OK. LB was fine after the MRI (still no results, arg), my mom made me leave the hospital and get something for myself on her (I got vs jammies, totally wearing them all day today), my husband got off work early and brought sushi, a friend brought cake. Although we had the worst night nurse in existence, but you win some, you lose some.
LB is still in good spirits. His numbers are still pretty high but they are hoping the ivig and new immunosuppressant are enough and hopefully giving them the weekend to improve before starting very strong, scary immunosuppressants. The MRI should make sure there are no blocks in blood vessels or bile ducts. And he now has low platelets which could mean he's developing an allergy To heperin.
So in the, no joke, over an hour it took me to write this, his numbers are back and show significant improvement! I'm cautiously optimistic, who are we kidding I'm elated and hope I'm not crushed by another turn tomorrow
clementine / 918 posts
@beaker: I hear you about eating in the room. One of many reasons I despise the picu is the no food rule. I am wishing and hoping for good news for ds2! I know our boys are fighters!
pomelo / 5628 posts
@Ms.Badger: that is great news! I hope it continues. Happy birthday!
persimmon / 1178 posts
@Ms.Badger: ' on the regular' cracked me up!
I hope everyone is doing ok today. May rounds be timely, may all numbers be 'good' and may NEC be banished forever. May the lo's at home be healthy and happy and as mellow as can be!
My lo has been medicine, Dr and suctioning free for 48 hours. Still coughing and throwing up tons of nasty stringy stuff, but is doing it on her own and is otherwise back to herself.
I think we are outta the woods with this bout
I posted on another board about self help books--I have been eating and drinking waaaaay too much since November. The holidays plus her illness gave me the excuse to start having a daily drink (beer or wine) and recently maybe two. Wouldn't be so bad except I cram them in after her bed, so that may mean two drinks in one hour plus eating something covered in cheese. Then I feel crappy and the cycle cont.
I am going to try to break out of survival mode and start taking care of myself (and my marriage) again....wish me luck! (because I am already thinking that a beer would help, lol)
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Ms.Badger: yay, hope LB is still doing well!
@lizzywiz: woohoo, 48 hours is awesome! Long may it last. I assume you have a home suction machine? I'm not the one to ask about breaking out of survival mode, I'm still in the trenches
DS2 has turned the corner with the IV fluids and is doing so much better today. Looks like he just got extremely dehydrated, presumably from not digesting his feeds because they were increased too quickly. Theyre talking about maybe starting him on formula this week which pisses me off... After all the things that have happened with him I think my milk is the least likely problem area! But we'll see, of course top priority is his health. Thanks for being there for me guys, @lizzywiz: I am so happy you started this thread. Posting DS2's sweet smile I caught today.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@beaker: so cute! We eventually resorted to formula too which succeeded in getting LO home. After that I did 50/50 for a long time. It totally sucks but everything is worth a shot. So glad he was just dehydrated!
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: how's D doing? Did clearing up his ear infection stop all the vomiting?
clementine / 918 posts
@lizzywiz: @beaker: great news all around!!! LB's liver enzymes continue to improve! Hopefully it's just a matter of time before we're home!
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Ms.Badger: yay!!
They're starting DS2 on an "elemental formula" tonight at a super low rate. I feel like such a failure. They said maybe he could go back to breastmilk at some point in the future, so don't stop pumping. I just feel awful, like I've wasted so much time, energy, and money (bags, bought a deep freezer to hold my stash, etc). On the bright side I'm glad he's getting food again, I kept hearing his poor little tummy rumbling today. sigh.
clementine / 918 posts
@beaker: don't feel like a failure, whether or not you breast feed DS2, you are doing the very best for him! It has not been a waste, either you will be able to use it in the future when he is able to have breast milk again or you can donate to a baby that needs it and make that mother's life a little better. I'm excited he gets to eat again, that's a great step!
Little badger's numbers went down again today but less than previous days, so the doctors are going to give him until Wednesday to get his numbers into a better range and if that doesn't happen they are going to help him with that strong immunosuppressant that still scares me. I know now that he may need it so I'm a little more comfortable with it. Unless an something crazy happens we should go home Friday.
The company I interviewed with offered me a position, now we just have to negotiate salary and get my letters of recommendation in. I called my old boss to ask for a letter and she said of course she'd write a letter, I was her favorite, which made me feel really good.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@Ms.Badger: congrats on the job! I hope his numbers get more stable and going home Friday is great!
@beaker: I held out on formula for nearly 5 months, but at that point I felt like I had tried everything else. It was such a hard, emotional struggle at the time. I wrote a blog post back then titled "Breast is best, but is it really?" Basically I finally realized that as much as I wanted it (and normal breast feeding), it wasn't necessarily the best thing for LO. I did co to he to pump
Until 11 months (actual) even though he got formula every day also. It made me feel better to give him any BM at all...
persimmon / 1178 posts
@beaker: sorry about the formula disappointment. I know all of that pumping represents money and time and even more time away from DS1 and family.
@Ms.Badger: Congrats on the job! Bummer about the numbers game but I am glad you are feeling better about the possible intervention. Making a medical decision for out LOs that we aren't comfortable with is SO unsettling.
I don't have news because LO is doing ok. Weird how without bad news I suddenly have nothing to talk about! I ordered 3 self help books to help me pull my head outta my ass and now I am just hoping things will stay ok and I'll have time to read them.
I can't wait to hear about the possible going homes!
persimmon / 1178 posts
also, I'm surprised that we only have a handful of people on this board. I am totally ok with that, of course, but are we really the only bees with LOs who need long term medical intervention? It just seems like, statistically, there would be more.
Or maybe there are more but they aren't in a place where this board fits them. Who knows. Here's to being the chosen few
persimmon / 1178 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: I meant to answer you question (a long time ago) about flu season impacting my LO's health: yes, it definitely does! Illness triggers an asthma like response in her (like she is having a sudden allergic reaction). That is usually our first sign that something is going down.
But it didn't used to be every illness. Like, sometimes she would get sick like a normal kid. But the incidents of the asthma-like attack, followed by junky/crackly lungs and low O2, have been non-stop since November.
But, knock on wood, we have been good since last Thursday so maybe we have made it past.
blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts
How would everyone feel about exchanging phone contact info/e-mail? I know I have moments where having an extra set of ears is really useful, and would be SO happy to do that for any of you if you ever need it!
@beaker: Not a failure at all. More like a warrior-- you are working so hard for your son. His smile shows what a phenomenal job you are doing. And even if breastmilk isn't in the cards right now, it doesn't mean failure. I'm glad he'll be getting to eat again, too.
@Ms.Badger: Congrats on the new job! I hope you're getting to feel a little excited about it in the midst of everything else going on. Hope you get to be home Friday. I don't blame you for being scared of the immunosupressant, but it sounds like they really have a good handle on things.
@Mrs Green Grass: It's wonderful he got BM for that long. I had to supplement the whole time with Ellie, and only looking back do I feel really good about that/give myself credit for what I was able to do. Honestly, feeding and caring for your child is the only important part, anyway, and you definitely did that.
@lizzywiz: Glad things are going well! Let's hope it stays that way. You'll have to let me know about the books.
We are struggling with winter. It's been so disruptive to her schedule, and now she gets herself so worked up when she has to go back to school. Between holidays and snow days and being sick, she's only been AT school for a handful of days in months. Now she gets so worked up she gets headaches and stomach aches, and the doctor thinks she's even spiking a slight temperature just because she's anxious. I hate to send her to school when she's so miserable, but at the same time, I know that it's been really beneficial for her to be there, and that things will go better when she gets back in a routine. But it's hard to hear her say she hates school and is scared to go.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Ms.Badger: fingers crossed for a smooth path to home on Friday! I know how you feel, it takes me time to accept changes in the plan too. Congrats on the job!
@Mrs Green Grass: can you wall me a link to that post? I am having a tough emotional time with it. Especially because I feel like I sacrifice time with both DS1 and DS2 to spend time pumping (potentially for nothing now) I think I will spread it out to every six hours for now.
@lizzywiz: I'm glad LO is doing well! You can support the rest of us (ie me!) for now
@Mrs. Twine: winter is totally tough. Is your DH around more because he can't work outside? Poor Ellie with being anxious. Can you fake a routine on the days she can't go in, or would that be more disruptive?
I'd be happy to exchange emails/numbers. @lizzywiz: I'm really not surprised there's so few of us. Honestly before @Ms.Badger: 's posts about LB's health issues I thought I was the only one (I considered @Mrs Green Grass: out of the trenches). I wonder if there are some lurkers though, especially if they havent yet accepted a new health reality for their LO. It took me some time to accept the term "special needs" applied to us, and that's so basic! I say we continue on and welcome anyone who comes here looking for advice or comfort.
DS2 is doing good on the formula (elecare) and has had some non-diarrhea poops. He's going to be transferred to the "intestinal rehab" wing of the GI floor by the end of the week, since they are saying he has short gut syndrome. They will increase his feeds very slowly and hopefully this is his last hurdle. I broke down crying in front of the NICU social worker today but I think I have it under control now. My pain/grief tends to be manageable up until an unexpected change and then it's like the floor falls out from under me, and I freak out for a while, and then accept the new reality.
clementine / 918 posts
@beaker: No shame in crying - i think i've cried in front of every doctor, nurse, and care partner here! I think I break down 50% of the time I talk to LB's main attending. Oh, and totally cried in front of our resident on Friday because it was my birthday, they must think I have issues. Totally get what you're saying about being ok until everything changes and needing time to adjust to this new reality.
And YEAH! for being transferred to the floor! That made such a difference in my moods, you are so on display in PICU (I assume NICU is similar) and can have more privacy and alone time in your own room.
pomelo / 5628 posts
@beaker: I'll find the post. The crying is so like me! Any change however small upsets the delicate balance...and then if anyone asks how you are, you just lose it. It's good to lose it every once in awhile I think.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Ms.Badger: that's encouraging! Our NICU has private rooms actually so I think the big difference will be children for neighbors instead of preemies. It's also a smaller unit with a dedicated nursing staff, so hopefully we'll have good luck with consistent nurses.
@Mrs Green Grass: yeah, I think if I don't cry or flip out on them occasionally they stop taking me seriously and stop communicating. "Delicate balance" is the perfect description!
persimmon / 1178 posts
No time to really reply to you (or anyone) but YAY!!!!!
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Ms.Badger: yay I'm so happy for you all!!! My hope for him is the same hope I have for DS2 - that the next time he goes to the hospital is when his wife is having a baby
blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts
@Ms.Badger: Hooray! What wonderful news.
@lizzywiz: Hope it's a good busy.
@beaker: Did he get moved yet? How did it go?
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Mrs. Twine: they moved him over on Wednesday. So far it's good, one big benefit is that it's a lower risk unit, so DS1 can visit! At the NICU siblings had to be over 3. Wednesday was actually DH's birthday so in the evening we all drove down so we could be together (only other time was Christmas when they made an exception for DS1) which was so nice. His room is also bigger, and since the unit is designed for older kids, he has his own bathroom, couch, etc. And I can eat in here now!
Medically, it's just so frustrating he has to go through this more thorough program when just last week they thought he'd be fine with regular breastmilk on full feeds at home. Here, they wean the iv fluids/fats very slowly, since they want to ensure the babies/kids are getting plenty of calories even if they can't absorb all they should from their food. This means he'll likely be going home with iv fluids running overnight, which means they want to put in a broviac port so it'll be easier for me to manage. So thats another sucky angle, but if it helps him grow and heal then I will try to accept it with open arms
How's everyone and their LOs doing?
blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts
@beaker: I'm glad the move was largely positive! Sounds like a more comfortable space for all of you, and I'm sure it feels phenomenal to be able to have all your family together sometimes.
Hopefully he will improve by leaps and bounds-- I can only imagine how hard it must be seeing him need so much (invasive) intervention. I'm glad that he might get to go home before too long.
We are doing okay. Had a rough start to the week, but then things were greatly improved. Had some really sad news last night-- Ellie's paraprofessional is leaving. She was really perfect for Ellie. But, it's a stinky job with stinky pay, and she has an opportunity to move to California. I feel happy for her, but really sad for Ellie. Makes me wonder how often we might have to go through this. Ellie has a particularly hard time with change, and her para is really her lifeline at school, so to have that change is going to be pretty devastating. And no one bothered to let us know! I found out from Ellie sort of by chance. Looking back, I wonder if that's where some of her negative moods have come from lately. Mr. T is coming back from a conference on autism tonight, and I am excited to find out what he learned. We did pretty well here at home, and Ellie was very cooperative and helpful, which is tremendous because she really prefers dad to do certain things because that's what she is used to. She didn't even get mad at me the times that I deviated from their routine! And she was wonderful with Lorelei. We were in the car today, and Lorelei said (word-for-word), "Ellie is my special friend because she is my sister."
They really do have a beautiful relationship right now. Ellie will let Lorelei hug and kiss her sometimes when she's upset and won't let anyone else near her. It's really amazing to watch how they care for one another.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Mrs. Twine: oh no, so sorry she's leaving! Poor Ellie. I hope the next one who comes along sticks around. It's so sweet that the girls are buddies, I'm really looking forward to seeing DS1 & 2's relationships grow. It looks like Lorelei is already a great support person do share insights that your DH got from the conference!
blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts
@beaker: I will share some of what he learns. Yeah, Ellie's already worried it will be someone mean. I am a little, too. Lots of times people don't treat Ellie very kindly because she can be pretty challenging. Many people have a tendency to get mad at her and be "firm"/grumpy. It usually backfires, anyway. I'm hopinng they find someone else wonderful. I am still floored that no one thought to mention it to us. It's a pretty big deal in her world!
I think you'll have fun watching your sons as they get older. It's only been within the last 6 months or so that they have really turned into friends. But hopefully since yours are a little closer in age it will happen sooner for you. I just feel so fortunate that they seem to be able to play with one another instead of constantly arguing over who gets what and who touched what. There is some of that, but surprisingly little.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Mrs. Twine: it makes me so sad that she already expects people to be mean to her! And yes, totally ridiculous they didn't tell you. Are they required to fill the spot right away, or will it sit open for a while?
blogger / nectarine / 2608 posts
@beaker: Not sure. I was so floored I didn't even think about calling and asking. I'm really timid, and if they said, "Oh, she just won't have one for a while," I'd probably get nervous and just say, "Ok." I'll talk it over with Mr. T when he gets home and we'll decide what to do.
Yes-- she does expect adults to be nasty to her. And unfortunately, I know from experience that they often are. Because some of her behavior comes across in a way that seems "naughty" and so people make the assumption that she is this "bad" kid who doesn't have any limits and who gets to do whatever she wants. So frustrating. Because that typically backfires and then everyone is miserable. Her last para once told her to, "Stop acting like a brat." Yeah. It was temporary, so we didn't even do anything about it. It stinks because there is this fine line between sticking up for your child and maintaing a decent relationship with the school. We're a little scared to make TOO much trouble because if they end up not liking us things will be a lot tougher, and really, the school has been pretty awesome. This para who just had her last day was fantastic, so it will be hard to fill her shoes. I am hoping they find someone permanent soon, because I have a feeling the lady who called her a brat will be her para temporarily because she works for the school and is the only one with enough schedule flexibility.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@Mrs. Twine: well maybe the last one will give a "read-out" or something similar to the mean one and tell her which strategies work best? Perhaps you could call the school and/or the good para and ask for passing of the torch, or ask her to write up a quick summary of her time with Ellie. Hopefully that will minimize the loss of all the good progress she's made, and it gives you an excuse to call for more details too. Please totally ignore this strategy if it doesn't make sense
My initial reaction is normally being timid also, but then I go home and stew and talk to DH and either work myself up enough to stand up for me/my boys or get DH to do it!
persimmon / 1178 posts
@Mrs. Twine: I am SO hoping that the next paraprofessional is even better. And although I definitely think they should have told you, having been on the other side of that situation, I have totally had things I should have told parents and I just didn't- too disorganized, overwhelmed, etc. (just sharing for good karma- it helps to fess up this stuff sometimes )
I have no words for the meanness Ellie has experienced... so sucky and heartbreaking for all of you.
@beaker: @Mrs. Twine: AW. I am sad my LO probably won't have a sibling. There are complications all around, the most obvious one being that we have no idea what is going on with her respiratory-wise and how much intervention that is going to need or not need. But we also can't afford it, I am 35+, have fertility issues, was put on bed rest, blah, blah blah. We may adopt in the future though, so I think of that when I see posts like the above that tug at my heartstrings.
On another note: I also feel like we all have to walk a fine line between asking for what we feel our child needs and being super nice to maintain good relationships so our LO's will get treated well. I think I said in another post that I get so tired of kissing ass (with the pediatrician, daycare, the nurses, etc). It is unfair, but well liked patients/students and their families get better, or at least kinder, treatment.
I am in a low posting phase due to trying to play catch up at work. My LO is doing ok. She is currently having reflux, covered in a rash and not sleeping, but no breathing problems and that is pretty much all I care about anymore, lol! If the reflux gets bad that can trigger an attack, but the last time we were able to handle it at home with the dexamethesone. So, we are cautiously resuming normal life. I got my hair cut and left her with my mom for the first time in months and it felt great!
@Ms.Badger: thinking of you
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
@lizzywiz: so glad things are normalizing a bit! I know what you mean about not caring about little problems as much anymore I'm glad you got some me time!
The plan now is for DS2 to get his broviac put in on Monday, and once they're confident I can use it safely he can go home I'm not putting any one date in my mind though, just cautiously optimistic it will be soon...
@Ms.Badger: thinking of you too! We're in the ward where kids go if they have liver transplants, so I think a lot about LB (hope that's not too weird haha)
clementine / 918 posts
@beaker: it's sweet, not weird, for you to think of us. I love our broviac, so much easier than a picc. Are you going to have home health care when you are home? They can help with dressing changes, cap changes, etc., however I find my husband and I are better than the nurses at dressing changes now. Ask for bio patches if you don't have them, makes dressing changes easier and keeps the opening cleaner. It's so great to be home, you and DS2 will love it!
It's been great to be home. He ran a slight fever the first night and I was terrified we were back to the er but luckily it never got to 100 so we were able to stay home. He's basically crawling which is exciting and he gives high fives! Ineed to start interviewing care givers next week and hopefully will find out my salary, I asked for a pretty high number and I'm hoping that I get it or at least something close.
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