olive / 71 posts
Yes, but I usually had them. Sore AND heavy. When I got my BFP, I actually thought I was getting my period because I had almost the same symptoms, plus stronger cramping. The dead giveaway was when I brushed my teeth before bed at 11DPO and my gums bled - they NEVER bleed when brushing. POAS'd on 12DPO around 3am and there they were... two lines!
honeydew / 7230 posts
I don't have any experiences being pregnant (unfortunately) but I hope the sore boobs are a good sign for you!! Mine have been especially bad this cycle so I'm hoping for a BFP soon too!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@mizjl: Oh no, I don't have bleeding gums. Is that one really common?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I never had sore boobs but I my nipples were really sore during the TWW the month I got my BFP. Good Luck!!!
pear / 1895 posts
Definitely! That was my first symptom. They were really tender & swollen. I had sore boobs before my periods, but only for a day or two, and never as bad as when I first got pregnant.
Good luck! But if you do test now and it's negative, don't be discouraged. It took me like a week of testing every day or two to convince myself that I was actually pregnant. Those Amazon Wondfo strips are the best for the POAS obsession.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@anonysquire: I had bleeding gums the whole time!!
I also had sore boobs, but did right before my period too so I couldn't be sure! The super sore boobs lasted the whole first trimester. Good luck!!!!!
cherry / 231 posts
I usually have sore boobs prior to my period, but before my bfp they were so incredibly sore & for a whole week rather than just a few days. Good luck!
grapefruit / 4817 posts
Sore boobs were my first pregnancy sign. I knew I was pregnant because they were so sore and I never got sore boobs with my period. I tested 6 days before my missed period and it was positive using a First Response test. Good luck!!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I didn't have sore boobs til 5 weeks or so, but everyone is different! I actually didn't have any symptoms except a gut feeling until 5 weeks! So bizarre. Can't wait to hear, good luck!
pomegranate / 3872 posts
Sore boobs were my first symptom, probably at least 3 or 4 days before I tested. I had implantation bleeding too, so I was sure I was getting my period, but in retrospect my boobs were much more sore that time than my usual premenstrual symptom, and it never went away!
Good luck to you! I hope this is your month.
apricot / 495 posts
I never got sore bb's post af, but the month I got my bfp I had terribly sore ones, well before I knew I was pregnant. I remember standing at work and all of a sudden it felt like someone was poking me in the nip with a knife... It took my breath away!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@anonysquire: Good luck! And yes I did have sore boobs both times. Like crazy sore. But I also imagined sore boobs (that went away) around a week post o every cycle we were trying.
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
Sore and heavy boobs, and I had a weird sensation of vertigo when we were out and about. I got really queasy and had to sit down and we eventually left where we were.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Before AF was due I had a sharp pain in just one nipple and some food smells (like bacon) made me want to vomit.
pineapple / 12802 posts
@anonysquire: I've only noticed my gums bleed once since my BFP so I'm not sure if it's a normal symptom.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@anonysquire: My gums bled when I brushed my teeth, but it really started about halfway through my pregnancy.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
I gave in and tested last night. I was only able to hold my urine for 2.5 hrs but it was a BFN. So disappointing!!!
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
@anonysquire: Don't get discouraged yet! If you're testing this early, you really need to use the first morning urine so it's concentrated. The urine you had was probably diluted already.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: If I ovulated when I was feeling the weird twinges for 2 days then I would have been 12dpo yesterday, if I ovulated when my period tracker and boobs were sore then I would be 4dpo I guess. I just kind of am giving up though. I am wasting time and energy dwelling on this. My boobs still hurt though dangit
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@JerricaBenton: It says my period is due 12/22 but if it follows last months pattern it won't come til 12/27. I don't think I can take seeing that many negatives.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@anonysquire: Lots of people don't get BFPs until later than 12dpo, and that's with first morning urine. Don't totally give up, but I also know you hate seeing BFNs. I would test every few days, but not every day, if you can help it. And only FMU.
The Dollar Store test I took on 13dpo was super faint. The FRER was clear, but it wasn't until 14 or so that I felt like the dollar store one was definitely a yes. (I peed on a lot of sticks that weekend).
pomegranate / 3872 posts
@anonysquire: Ohh, I gotcha - maybe again in 3/4 days if you haven't gotten it yet? And then in another 3/4?
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Foodnerd81: @Foodnerd81: Ok, thanks ladies. I guess I'll try again Monday.
coconut / 8279 posts
@anonysquire: someone on my birth board posted that they took a look at the stick hours later and that's when they saw their BFP, I thought that was weird but dug mine out of the trash to see and yep, BFP! it didn't actually show up immediately on the stick until like 4-5 days past expected AF. I don't think this works for everyone (or hardly anyone) but it did for me?
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@rachiecakes: Oooh be careful with that. I did that once, with a dollar store test, 24 hours later and there was a line, but it was definitely an evap line. Got my hopes all up then they were dashed and it was even worse. Outside of the 5 minute window, sure, but after 10 or 15 minutes, throw it out. Evap lines are the worst.
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@rachiecakes: OMG! Just looked and saw maybe a faint line. But isn't that an evap? OMG what do I do?
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
@anonysquire: OOoohh! Wait until the morning to test again!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@knittylady: But I just peed, so I need to hold my pee for 4 hrs right? Aww I am freaking out but trying not to freak out and get my hopes up. UGH!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@BabyBoecksMom: Ok morning it is. I am going to die from the suspense!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@anonysquire: Yes, test in the morning. I really hope it's a BFP for you, but remember that evap lines were created by the devil...Good luck!
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