What do you do with the massive amount of artwork, school work, work sheets, scribble scrabbles...etc. that your LOs bring home, especially for elementary school kids? Any strategy and plans, or wise advice / links to website...etc.?
DS is 6 (k-1), and I am realizing the saving/storing of DS' school work is becoming a problem. I used to leisurely store everything DS brought home from daycare in a big box. We switched to a "real school" for pre-k, and I have a big IKEA cardboard box that stored everything that came in. The box was so full it wouldn't close by the end of year! We just graduated kindergarten and also ended up with the same big box of mess.
We just spent almost a day to go through and trash quite a lot of things, and consolidated pre-k and k into one box. The process was quite painful. I first involved DS in the process, but he wanted to save everything and there was some unpleasant discussion (ahem argument) why we couldn't keep everything and why we need to pick out only certain things that meant a lot (as DS claimed everything meant a lot to him, including that 50 sheets of handwritings of "a", times 26 alphabets). Finally everything was consolidated (which is still a lot, but we trimmed around 50% for both k and pre-k). Then I realized there is no easy way to ever take out anything to casually reminisce, as, well, they are in a box. There are these really cool journals DS made for each month in K, where you can clearly see the improvement throughout the year (+ the hilarious things he wrote), and it will be quite hard to dig the box out from the attic to look at...
I haven't even looked at everything before pre-k (the preschool daycare stuff). gahhh.
DH said we need a plan starting 1st grade. I can imagine it will get worse with more books, subjects and tests...etc. I posted a thread here a few months ago about fridge organization and that was a complete life changer (now our fridge is organized with containers and pretty labels !! Unbelievable). So I thought I'd pick your brains on what to expect moving forward, and other tips and tricks on organizing and consolidating school work for the years to come. Or do you just trash them all as they come? hehe. Thank you so much in advance!