I really hope you guys can give me some advice. I've already broken down twice in the past 2 days because I've met my breaking point.

My LO has been a pretty happy baby at all times and up until last week, she has been pretty good about going down for naps and at night. But now, if she has any indication that she might be going to sleep or getting tired, she starts screaming inconsolably and I can't find anything that will calm her down. She doesn't need to be fed or changed, and she's not gassy. She's just tired.

She will no longer let me hold her like a baby to rock her... in fact, if I do that, she tries to root (even if she's just been fed) or screams bloody murder for over an hour. I can't rock her, hold her, shush her, etc... All results in her getting more and more worked up. I've tried letting her just cry - doesn't work. She ends up getting so worked up that she chokes. And she is now refusing the pacifier.

If she does actually fall asleep, she doesn't sleep for long at all. (30 min nap instead of normal 1-2 hours, and only 4 hours at a time at night instead of 6-8 hours)

I try to stay as calm as I can to fight through it each time, but after doing this for every nap and every bedtime, I'm exhausted. I don't understand what has made her change all of a sudden and I am absolutely out of ideas of how to solve it. It breaks my heart to see her so upset and have no way of fixing it.