I don't know how to best explain this but...
We're in the testing phase with our RE right now. The infertility clinic does everything in slow-mo, so I am just kind of trying to be patient and look at the process as an investment in something bigger.
For the next cycle, I am being put on BC and not getting any O inducing medications. The following month, we would in theory, start treatment. But we want to skip that month for 2 reasons:
1- we're just tired (emotional and mentally) and all medicated out (Clomid side-effects are unbearable)
2- it doesn't work with our ideal schedule. I would be ecstatic if I got KU any month, but June (not that we will stop trying the old fashioned way).

I guess my question is, what should I do for my body (fertility-wise and otherwise) to prep it for whatever procedure we decide?
I am already doing:
-working out at least 4 days/week
- taking prenatals, B vitamins and metformin

I am planning on:
-going on a grain-free, gluten free diet, cutting sugar & caffeine
- taking Pregnitude everyday
- going to a chiropractor every week (with a chiropractic massage, too)

Anything else? I want to just improve my insides and my outsides in these next 2-3 months to make myself a more sane person, a happier and more relaxed person, and hopefully more responsive (both spiritually and physically) to treatment.