Hellobee Boards


Private school: why you are sending your child to one

  1. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @erinpye: I get you but I'll put it like this - when I went to public primary school the vast majority of non-english speaking migrants were greek, macedonian, italian, vietnamese & turkish. fast forward 25+ years, the demographic has changed dramatically.
    the largest majority of non-english speaking migrants in this area are of middle eastern background. quite a few of my friends have kids who go to schools in the local area and they find that the interaction between muslim/non muslim kids can be a big sticking point. Growing up my best friend was Turkish (i'm Greek) and interaction outside of school was seriously limited when it came to play dates, birthday parties etc. I'm not saying this is always the case, but at the end of the day your kids are going to be friends with whoever you send them to school with and sometimes it helps if they have more in common than not.

  2. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    I'm not sending my kids to private so I wasn't commenting. But holy shit @ScarletBegonia: that's more than my college tuition. People be crazy....

  3. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    We are definitely sending kids to public, that is the primary reason we chose the town we moved to, great schools. But, like someone else said, depending on situations, one of our sons may want (or need) private school when they are older, and there are quite a few private schools I'm our area.

  4. farawayyama

    kiwi / 556 posts

    @Katrocap: I'm a teacher (although home with DD until August) and am leaning private for similar reasons (finances depending). I don't believe the testing is appropriate, nor the messages it sends about learning.

    I actually love our local public schools but their hands are tied over testing and I don't want her learning experiences to be geared toward the tests.

  5. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @regberadaisy: I mean that is Australian dollars but in the end it's not that different!!

  6. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    I went to public schools, but now teach in a private school. Our daughter will be going to my school. We get a discount on tuition, but we also love the environment and curriculum. We are also Catholic, so she gets her religious education in each day.


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