I am 1 week postpartum and have to return to work mon-fri 7-4 at 11 weeks. I think EBF has gotten off to a good start (knock on wood) and so I'm thinking ahead.
What was your pumping routine ages 0-3mo, if also still trying to EBF or BF as much as possible?
When did you start pumping?
When did you fit in your pump sessions? I see a lot of posts about morning pumping.
When did you introduce a bottle?
How much of a stash is a good size?
Is there anything you would've done differently?
If it matters, I am not optimistic about pumping at work, so I want a big stash. However, I only have to make it thru 7 weeks of pumping at work, ages 11 wks-18 weeks (3-4.5 mo) and then I'll be back at home full time until he's 6 mo.