So long story short, I'm currently breastfeeding each side for about 15ish minutes (or until LO shows no interest), then she's getting a bottle made up of whatever I pumped at the previous session and formula to supplement, and THEN, I'm pumping for 10-15 minutes using a rented Symphony.

At this point I think the main point of pumping (if I remember what the LC told me correctly) is to stimulate milk production, and not go for actual output, as hopefully LO is sucking most of it out during the BFing at the start of the feeding...which is good, because I'll usually only end up with a total of about 1/4-1/2 oz from each pump session.

How fast/hard should I be pumping? I'm currently starting out at a "3" (the 3 drops on the screen), and then when the pumping "kicks in," I'm at about a 6... I've tried to go higher, but it doesn't feel that great and I don't want to risk ruining my nipples! Does this sound...right? So confused!