This question is for all you experienced exclusive pumpers

Do you recall how many times a day you were pumping at around the 10 week mark and how much you were getting per day?

I've been pumping 8-10 times a day since LO was born... over the last week or so, I've been experimenting with dropping sessions. Right now, I'm at down to 6 sessions per 24 hour period (going anywhere between 3.5 - 5.5 hours in between sessions) and my daily output is still around 40 oz, give or take a couple of ounces. This is great news to me as it makes pumping seem more doable for the long-term.

Am I being overly optimistic? Assuming LO takes 25-30 ounces per day, I'll still have some left to freeze. I'm not concerned with building a huge freezer stash since I have limited freezer space. I've read that the amount babies consume stays pretty much the same until the 6 month mark but should I worry about increased milk needs down the road?