Okay, preferably a travel/easily fold up high chair. We can either have one that clamps to the table (which I'm a little leery of, H is 25 pounds of wiggles) or a booster to stick in a regular chair or something.

We have a place where we 'vacation' every few weekends during the summer that's a few hours from our house - just far enough to forget the things on the to-do list at home but close enough to go home in case of an emergency. We have a travel trailer (an Airstream) that we keep on a property we rent and that's something fun we do as a family with my parents (they have their own Airstream and property).

This will be the first summer of H being big enough to need a high chair. Before, we just held him in our laps and he was content with that but with this long weekend coming up, I'm afraid we need something a little heftier to restrain - I mean contain - him. We need it to not take a lot of space, to be able to fold, and in general doesn't cost a lot.

Any suggestions?