I have called my health insurance 3 different times about breast pumps and gotten 3 different varying responses. The first time I called at the beginning of pregnancy they said I needed to wait until after birth to get one. The 2nd time I called a few weeks ago and I was told I could get one right away, and which medical supply stores I could contact, and that ANY one was covered - which was the reason why I was calling.

So today I go to put in my order, and they tell me the pump I picked out is a $100 up-charge. I was like WTF? After calling my health insurance AGAIN they told me that they basically pay for the cheapest one possible from each supply store. Nice, huh?

At this point I'm not really sure what to do. I have no idea if I'll be successful with breastfeeding and my goal is just to make it to around 4.5 months. I have a job where on some days I can be extremely busy and booked all day, and don't have the ability to leave to go to the Mother's room. So I'm not sure how committed I am to breastfeeding and pumping.

My options are to:
-Rent a hospital grade pump once I give birth for 3 months (free). With this option I'd still be able to buy a pump later if I wanted and I *think* get it covered.
-Get the extremely basic Medela "Personal Double Pump" (free)
-Pay $100 upcharge for the Freestyle (which I had planned on getting)
-Pay $50 upcharge for the PISA
-Go through another supply store and get the Ameda Purely Yours, and since it's the only one they have (and therefore they're cheapest) it might be free or cheaper than the Medelas.

We can afford the $100 or $50 or whatever, I just hate to spend money on something when 1)I thought it was going to be free, and 2)It might be a waste of money.