Was anyone able to relatate after not nursing/pumping for a period of time? How did you do it? Any tips?

DS self weaned nearly 2 months ago and I'm kicking myself in the bum for not putting my mamma-wanna-eat-real-food-feelings aside when he stopped nursing to keep up pumping. The 2 bag per day of milk from our freezer stash will run out when he turns 2 (to the day). I just tried to reorder his percription formula and apprently it does not work like a normal script where you have a year from last refill to get it refilled...we only had 90 days before insurance kicks it off and no one told me! We had a lot since he was still nursing so we stopped ordering in November because I didn't want it to expire. I have the pedi working on the insurance to cover it again, but I'm nervous because I heard stories of people's children getting kicked off at 2. My son NEEDS this to survive! Ahhh ok vent portion over....I'm thinking of going back on the horrible TED and trying relactation. Sigh