Check it out--this runner had no idea she was pregnant and thought her labor pains were related to her marathon training. Oh my goodness!!
Check it out--this runner had no idea she was pregnant and thought her labor pains were related to her marathon training. Oh my goodness!!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
Ok, I REALLY have a hard time buying stories like this! My daughter was 6 lbs 9oz and there was NO WAY that I couldn't have known she was there!!!! It just doesn't make sense!
coconut / 8305 posts
Whoa! That's amazing!!!! I wonder how they estimated she was 5 weeks early? hmmmm...
honeydew / 7586 posts
I always wonder how they make it so long without feeling a single kick. My kid beats me constantly. I don't know how you would attribute it to anything else!
GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts
That's crazy! I wonder if her uterus was tilted so there was no bump?
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Did she not notice she didn't have a period for 9 months? And never felt any kicking? I have a hard time believing this too. If she was doing a half marathon, I'm imagining she wasn't obese to begin with. Something is fishy to me!
honeydew / 7091 posts
I do not understand how you wouldn't know you were 35 weeks pregnant unless you were pretty dang fat. And even then... I'm no skinny minnie and it was definitely obvious! Since she's training for a marathon, I'm willing to bet she's not that big...
I can understand not noticing symptoms... it'd be a little strange, but believable. I just cannot wrap my head around not noticing the baby bump.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
Running was my first sign of pregnancy both times. It hits me like a freight train, I just have such a hard time getting up to speed, though the second time I attributed it to having a sinus infection. And then in my third trimester I could def feel the weight of the baby when I ran, crazy you wouldn't notice when you're running that long.
@swurlygurl: I used to think that except my cousin who is quite thin hid her pregnancy from her family. The baby was born a month early and in the winter so she could wear baggy clothes. I saw her when she was 5 months pregnant and just thought her face looked a little bigger than normal but didn't notice a bump at all.
grapefruit / 4400 posts
I'm sorry, but I call bullsh*t on every single one of these cases. There was not ONE SINGLE moment when she thought she was pregnant?!
pomelo / 5820 posts
I'm also in camp "how does this stuff happen?!" My child kicks and rolls and shakes my stomach so much... it'd be impossible for me to brush it off. I mean, my coworkers point out his movement as I stand and talk to them! Also, a 6lb baby would make somewhat of a bump on anyone, I'd think. I just don't get it!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@Maysprout: I can believe hiding it from people, but surely your cousin wouldn't have not been able to tell on her own body (I feel like I worded that awkwardly, hopefully you get what I'm saying! Haha)
pomelo / 5331 posts
Oh come on, this is crazy! Like others said, she must be in good shape, you wouldn't notice even the SMALLEST baby bump? Even the smallest late-term one I've ever seen, the girl still looked 6 months pregnant.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Foodnerd81: maybe because she's a runner she has amenorrhea?? I've heard that's common.
This is soooo crazy to me. And if she's a runner she is likely very fit, - so how do you not grow AT ALL in the stomach? Or feel any kicks? And she was pregnant three times before, how could it be so drastically different. SOOO ODD!!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Mrs. Pen: Yeah, I considered that, but then I would think it's because you work out a ton and are really thin, so that points even more to it being visibly noticeable. And like you said-- she's been pregnant before, so how would she not recognize the kicks? I could see if you were in high school and in denial about the whole thing and thinking it was indigestion (well, I can't see that either, but ever so slightly more believable) but she's had babies before.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Foodnerd81: well that's what I thought- whether or not she has amenorrhea, she is likely very for and thin if she's training for half marathons! How do you not notice?! Even if you work out during pregnancy, you can't keep the stomach small! It's just so bizarre.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
I've talked to someone who didn't know she was pregnant until 7 months. She attributed baby kicks to gas, thought she was gaining a little weight etc. Another girl didn't know until 5 months and she had a pre-existing heart condition, so she thought she was seriously ill. But she also thought she couldn't get pregnant, so it didn't cross her mind.
I'm guessing that because the runner's husband had a vasectomy, she thought it wasn't possible for her to be pregnant and therefore made up all sorts of excuses for her symptoms.
pear / 1998 posts
I've never been pregnant, but I can't comprehend it either.
The only thing that stuck out to me was that her husband had a vasectomy, so unless she was sleeping around she probably thought there was no possible way she could get pregnant. So pregnancy being the cause of her symptoms didn't cross her mind.
ETA - I found of video with an interview of baby and the mom:
grapefruit / 4800 posts
@swurlygurl: Yeah I agree, I can't imagine not noticing on myself or understanding why I was gaining weight in such an odd way.
kiwi / 538 posts
Nope don't believe this. No way. You've already had 2 kids! It's not like you could have no clue what pregnancy feels like!! Didn't you wonder why you didn't get your period for 9 months?! I don't know what the medical term is but there has to be some kind of disorder where you are mentally able to convince yourself you truly aren't pregnant. Like when Peggy had Pete's baby on "Mad Men".
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
@runsyellowlites: There's a test that you administer to newborns called a Ballard which aids in dating them. Especially important for all these people who "don't know" they are pregnant.
pear / 1632 posts
Unreal!! I just find it hard to believe that she didn't feel any movement especially having children before....silly woman.
pomelo / 5258 posts
A girl I know had a surprise "what do you mean I'm in labor" baby in February, same gestational age as my LO. She wasn't as fit as this woman but after that I'm willing to accept that it happens.
I just wonder how easy some women's pregnancies must be if they can go 9 months without noticing. You never hear of someone that knew they were pregnant not having any symptoms.
eggplant / 11824 posts
@HabesBabe: I'm right there with you calling a big BS on all the "I didn't know I was pregnant, I went to bathroom and had a baby" stories. Those women are either in complete denial or their pants are totally on fire.
eggplant / 11287 posts
Was she an obese half marathon runner?
How else can you not show with a baby bump?
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
That's so odd she felt no movement, her husband had a vasectomy, she didn't notice she didn't have a period and she didn't gain weight? Wow...kinda hard to believe but stranger things have happened.
coconut / 8305 posts
Think about this more I got huge BUT b/c of an anterior placenta I almost never felt P kick... I guess that could've attributed?..
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
After reading the article, in her case I kind of get it. She's clearly overweight but working out so not gaining anymore weight, husband had a vasectomy, and she was not even thinking of the possibility. I'll give a pass on this one.
grapefruit / 4441 posts
Denial is a powerful thing! If it's not in your brain as a possibilry (I.e., husband's vasectomy), then it's less likely to register.
Still, so hard to imagine not knowing!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@runsyellowlites: i wondered the same thing!! @Mrs. Jacks: thanks for clearing it up!
i still think this is insane. i cannot imagine not knowing i was pregnant for this long. 5-6 months maybe, but 35 weeks and giving birth?! heck no.
grapefruit / 4400 posts
@yoursilverlining: LOL. even with Mrs. Jacks' explanations, it's still mind boggling.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@78h2o: I agree! Never underestimate someone's ability to self-deceive!
pomelo / 5258 posts
I just saw on the Today show clip about this, "A study done in Germany that found 1 out of 475 women who delivered a baby did not realize they were pregnant." Holy cow!
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
@Mrs. Jacks: This.
When I read this yesterday and it talked about her being a marathon runner, I envisioned a tiny little skinny athletic woman. I saw her on Today. She is not really skinny and seemed to carry most of her weight in her middle, so the story made more sense to me once I saw her.
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