Hellobee Boards


September TTC 6+ Months Support Thread

  1. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @organicmama: I say, feel FREE to "wine" all you need to, friend!! I'm sorry AF has arrived & with it your decision to stop the TTC madness. Well, stopping the madness is a good thing, but you know... We will still keep our fingers crossed for you that you are blessed one of these months soon.

  2. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @marfi: darn! Hopefully your cycles continue to lengthen though!

    @organicmama: boo to AF but yay for wine!Best consolation prize at the end of a disappointing cycle. And I'm glad you will be staying in touch with us around here.

  3. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @organicmama: I'm sorry about AF..looks like we are cycle twins again...CD1 for me too! Argh...can we ever be bfp twins? And you totally deserve that wine! I wish I could have some wine...instead I'm on muscle relaxers and I've been sick with a bad cold all week and due to me coughing so much, I threw my neck out into the biggest spasm of my life! I've been in a tremendous amount of pain the last two days and finally I have some relief tonight. And then AF arrived. But I'm okay with it. I wanted her to come as I knew she would after my bfn at the RE. Now it's time to start fresh and new beginnings...

  4. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @nicole112: sounds like you've been through a rough week. get well & feel better soon!

  5. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Marfi: I'm so sorry. Big hugs. Be good to yourself today.

    @organicmama: oh honey, big hugs. I really hope you stick around, I'd miss you. I felt the same way after visiting ikea this weekend- it was baby central.

    AF arrived today after 2 days of spotting. Womp womp.

    I can't tell if I feel more or less hopeful about this cycle- it's the last complete one before the RE, and I think there must be a problem or we would have conceived by now, so it won't matter what we do. I'm also hoping for the increased fertility that has to come with making an re appointment.

    The new plan is to BD every other day starting CD8, drink green tea, work out at least 3 times a week, and eat right. Any other suggestions?

  6. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Sitting at the RE office. Will roll call after this apt!

  7. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I was trying so hard to be completely oblivious to where I am in my cycle for my mental health. I realized today that I probably O'd 1 week ago (didn't temp but I almost always O CD15), so probably 7DPO. We hit CD8, 10, 12, 14, 15, and 17. I am more tired than usual, and DH's lunchbox that had salmon in it previously really bothered me. Little breast soreness. It is probably all nothing, particularly since implantation would be around now. I feel crazy. Please, don't feed into my crazy. This is cycle 18 so the odds are terrible. Tell me that it's too early and all means nothing.

    A cheery line for today: If practice makes perfect, our children will be flawless.

  8. busylizzy111

    cherry / 144 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: lol at that line

    As my body likes to play games with me, I decided to play as well and book an X-ray. If I am pregnant, I'll gladly cancel, and otherwise I really need it. What is it with me and the undiagnosable things I get? I was home all week with this weird infection where my doc could not believe I wasn't at her floor in pain and now the ortho-doc can not figure out what's wrong with my wrist. I was nearly in tears, covered in cold sweat because he pressed so hard while he tried to figure out what's wrong. Gave me an injection in the hand (side note: I do not appreciate the whole "I'll give you the injection first and then I tell you what it is"). Grrrrrr.

  9. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: just to help you--I genuinely think it is too early to really know. I had breast soreness that last two months which got my hopes up even though obviously it didn't turn into anything. The fish could be bad fish and you could just be tired. Either way, you should know in a week!

    @dc yoga bee: looking forward to your re update!

  10. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Oh man. So many hugs for so many of you!!

    I've been a little less likely to check the board lately. My due date group "Labor watch" thread keeps popping up and if I see it, I close HB!

    After my MC I cancelled most reminders of weeks and what not, but there was one that didn't get caught the day I did that, and then I hated to feel like I was erasing all signs of the pregnancy so I kept that one weekly email. I got the "You're starting week 40" one last night.

    I'm not as emotional as I would have expected, but I think I'm more angry.


    I'm 11DPO and not hopeful at all for this cycle. I had spotting again on CD 8 but since I'm pretty convinced I have low P, that means nothing. I'm ready to move on to next month and meet with my doctor.

  11. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: lol @ your line. Try not to read too much into it any symptoms!

    @busylizzy111: Eeek, that sounds awful. Do they have a good idea of what it might be?

    @MaryM: big, huge hugs. I didn't participate frequently from July through August- it was too hard to see all of the birth stories and labor watches. I did the same thing and keep one email, but I think I'm ready to get rid of it now.

    I really hope the dr can give you some progesterone and get you your rainbow baby soon. ❤

    I ended up skipping a bday party yesterday, and I'm so glad I did. My cousin announced her pregnancy,and selfishly, I don't know how I would have handled it (especially with yesterday being CD1). I got my cry out this morning, while texting her the appropriate reaction.

  12. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Ugh my post got deleted Short story, had my first RE apt yesterday. We've been trying a year. I have a short luetal phase, and progesterone was low. Copying from my other thread.

    I her. She took me into her office. Gave an overview, listened to my concerns, went over my medical history and asked me questions. I just had a really good feeling with her. She said she knew she liked me when she first met me because we have the same birthday. Score! She said she believes I have an ovulation problem, but she doesn't like to just treat it with progesterone in the second half because she views it as putting a band-aid on the problem. She ordered bloodwork, ultrasound, SA for DH, and.... an HSG! Today we did bloodwork and ultrasound. I've never had an ultrasound before. She said I have a tilted uterus. Then she explained people used to think you couldn't get pregnant, or the baby would fall out, but not to worry. Then she showed me my ovaries, and all these black dots which were my eggs! Eep! She said they're all fighting to be number one, and showed me one on the right that was already larger and probably going to be number one. Then...she said she would probably diagnosis me as borderline pcos. Oh no! She said I don't have cyst, but I have an abundance of eggs, and they're not ovulating strong enough. I need to come in by next Wednesday to get the HSG-which is covered by insurance Whew Hew, and DH is getting his SA two weeks from now. As long as I get the HSG by next Wed, we can start treatment next month. Treatment will depend on what all my bloodwork and HSG show, but she is leaning towards what did she say, um ovulation medication (which I'm thinking is clomid). I have about 20lbs of weight I need to lose, and she didn't even bring it up and tell me to go on a diet. I've lost about 10lbs so far, and have seen pcos fertility diets online so will check that out. Will POAS on September 27th if no AF.

  13. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Trying to go back and respond now. Er post eating monsters lol

    @Crystal: ((hugs)) I'm holding out hope there will be joy to come out of this storm. I'm excited for your apt next month. You need an advocate on your side.

    @MaryM: I'm so sorry for your loss. ((hugs)). I have low progesterone as well, that my obgyn didn't take seriously. The RE immediately said she's concerned about it, and doesn't want to put a band-aid on it. Hopefully, it's an easy fix!

    @busylizzy111: Yikes! I hope you feel better, and get some answers asap!!

    @AmeliaBedilia: I like your cheery line. And I agree wholeheartedly!

    @nicole112: You deserve a hot bath my friend! Hope your neck feels better soon. I have issues with intense back spasms, so I know your pain. So sorry about AF too :(.

    @organicmama: Sorry about AF love. I really hope it happens for your guys.

  14. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @dc yoga bee: wow that sounds like a great appt! So hopeful that things will be morning quickly for you. I have a friend of a friend who had a tilted uterus but managed to have a successful pregnancy. Hoping they can find the right recipe for you!

  15. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @MaryM: @Crystal: hugs to you both! The loss keeps affecting us in different ways as time passes but it is still there .

  16. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @dc yoga bee: that sounds like a lovely appt. when ttC #1, I had the exact same issue. I got pregnant on my second round of clomid.

  17. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Glad your appointment went well!

    AF should be here within the week, though I am trying not to count days to avoid stressing myself out. We have the option of doing femara next cycle, and I think that is the way to go. I told DH I wanted to discuss that this week, since I get so upset after my period comes. DH usually is a "we'll deal with it when it happens" approach to life, but he agreed we will discuss it. I'm tempted to go pick some up before AF comes to force Murphy's law (though that didn't happen when I bought my menstrual cup).

    I am also debating on a new OB. I had one I really liked (he knows his stuff, but lets me have a huge say in my care), but he is super hard to get into. Due to an insurance change, I switched to a doc who I really like as well, but she moved practices and is too far away. My insurance changed back, and I was going to go back to my original OB/GYN. The downsides: he's 70 (though told my pregnant friend he is not retiring anytime soon), hard to get into (though my pregnant friend says that isn't the case since she got pregnant), and his schedule doesn't match up well with mine (I have a four day workweek and he doesn't see office patients on my day off). I am leaning toward starting off with someone new, though I always figured he would deliver my kids. (I saw him for 7 years, then haven't the past 3 due to insurance).

  18. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    Sounds like a lot of us are having a rough week. HUGS all around.

    I'm in a pretty pissed off mood today because I woke up to light spotting at 11dpo. I guess the damn progesterone supplements aren't doing their job . Our one successful m/c cycle I already had a bfp by now and I am just SO over spending thousands of dollars each cycle on fertility meds if they aren't even going to all work. Sigh.

  19. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Sprite: Hugs! It is so frustrating to do all these things, with no guarantee.

  20. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Sprite: big hugs. This process sucks.

    @MamaCate: thanks, friend.

    @dc yoga bee: thanks. ❤️ sounds like you found a great RE!! GL with the hsg, keep us posted!

    @AmeliaBedilia: can you see someone else for now, then switch back when you get KU?

  21. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    I've definitely been in a funk here the last week or so, too. This week I had an acupuncture treatment (my first), and while I'm intrigued by it, I was annoyed the practitioner suggested I not go ahead with IUI as DH & I have planned next cycle, but just do acupuncture & herbs for 3 months. Not terrible advice, but to me, every month is SO super valuable to me, that I want to take the more aggressive approach, not a conservative one when I worry my fertility is dropping off a cliff. Especially when, as @AmeliaBedilia: just said, none of those approaches are fool-proof, either. I should relax & "let it happen" but I can't. I'm just not wired that way... She did say she will treat me either way & will just tailor her treatments with either support of IUI ("milder" acupuncture) or combo of herbs & acupuncture as I choose. It's so hard to know what the best choice is for me & my body. Uggh.

    Hoping for a happier rest of the month for us all. Happy Sat, ladies.

  22. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Crystal: My concern is with pregnancy appointments, it will be really hard to schedule the more frequent appointments. It is hard for me to take off the four days I work, and I am worried that I am setting myself up for disaster if I stay there. I also hate changing doctors, so I don't want to have to do it more than once. I am really leaning towards starting fresh, but I do trust him, and he gives the option of delivering in the hospital's "natural" program including waterbirths and such, which I would prefer, but probably not enough to cause huge headaches at my new job.

  23. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: is there another OB at his practice (or elsewhere) that he, himself, recommends? Or would that be weird to ask him?

  24. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: I am not impressed with the other OB in his practice, and I would feel a little weird. I do have another option. My sister and friend see different docs in the same practice, and both are really happy. You're also seen by a doctor every visit, which is a huge plus.

  25. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: could you find out from the hospital which doctors offer the " natural" delivery options. I know my OB practice delivered at my preferred hospital that everyone raved about, and the hospital website had a list of providers that delivered there. It helped confirm my decision to see this OB. Fwiw, I didn't see her until I was KU and was happy with the recs friends had given! I do think it sounds like switching might be a good move, especially once you have the frequent appts when you are pregnant.

  26. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    Thank you everyone for your love and support. It truly means a lot! Today is CD 4 and my neck is still a big mess! Going to PT to help calm my neck down so I can move it and be a normal functioning person. I haven't been able to drive or go to work all week. It's been quite a ttc distraction, that's for sure! I'll be okay soon, I hope! My new POAS date will be sometime in the beginning of October. I have to catch up on this thread…I'm a little behind. I hope to see lots of bfp's this month!!

  27. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    So.....what are y'alls thoughts on implantation bleeding? I'm in a confusing situation right now that has had me googling it all morning. I keep leaning toward thinking it is mostly a myth/doesn't happen as often as the internet seems to think.

    I am 13dpo/iui today, and thought I would be calling my RE's office this morning to schedule my CD3 baseline for tomorrow. As I posted on Saturday I was spotting all day, even though I've been on progesterone (but then, I have had 25-26 day cycles in the past with a short LP, just never on injectables + progesterone), so not completely out of the ordinary. Yesterday was heavier and I counted it as CD1. Today it is pretty light again, and I was about to call and order next cycle's medications, but something made me test with a wondfo. I hadn't tested since Saturday morning, which was a bfn, but now I'm looking at a faint positive with SMU this morning, and confirmed with a FRER.

    I'm pretty sure implantation bleeding is a myth, and I'm fully expecting this to be just a chemical pregnancy. But if you could spare any sticky thoughts, I'd sure appreciate it. I'm waiting right now for my RE's office to return my voice mail and confirm I can come in this afternoon for a beta. So confused right now!

  28. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @Sprite: I've been pregnant 4 times and had implantation bleeding with 3 of them. Granted, all 3 ended in miscarriage but it was at the time of implantation. Good luck! Get in there for a beta.

  29. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @Tidybee: Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I had one in April, so I'm refusing to get my hopes up this time around. But it is so good to hear that you did have implantation bleeding. Most things I've been reading this morning are accounts of it happening to a "friend of a friend" or "my mom's 3rd cousin's best friend".

  30. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Sprite: fx for you that implantation bleeding is the explanation & you get good news with a beta!!

  31. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Thanks for the ! I am 100% expecting that this is just me happening to catch the tail end of a chemical pregnancy, but I guess you never know. I was too late for the lab today, but now have an appointment n the morning for a beta and should get results tomorrow afternoon.

  32. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Sprite: How heavy has the bleeding been? Bleeding or spotting? I refuse to join you on the chemical train! I am going to be thinking all of he positive thoughts for you!! Do you go for bloodwork or anything?

  33. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Sprite: I have had implantation bleeding, but it was just once when I wiped and nothing more.

    FX this is a baby just working it's way in there nice and snug!

  34. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @LindsayInNY: It has been like a normal AF, although I don't usually have a day of spotting, usually only a few hours if at all, then a day of medium/light and two days of light. It has always been on the light and short side. Which is why I thought/still think I'm likely out, this doesn't seem that far off from normal. Who tests after a couple of days of spotting and bleeding? I only did it on a whim, before I called in to place the order for $2k of non-returnable meds for next cycle! And probably confused myself and put myself through unwarranted stress in the process.

    But I have a beta scheduled for tomorrow morning and should have results in the afternoon.

  35. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @Crystal: Thanks for chiming in with another example of implantation spotting being a real phenomenon. It would give me hope if I was letting myself feel that emotion right now!

  36. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Sprite: then WE will be hopeful for you!! TOTALLY understand both why you tested & why you can't get excited just yet.

  37. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Sprite: we will keep our fingers crossed for you!!! I have heard it is heavier for some people, so don't count yourself out yet!

  38. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Sprite: no experience with bleeding but wanted to add I will be hoping good things for you too!!

  39. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    How is everyone doing today?

    To check in: I am 11dpo per ff and not feeling hopeful about this cycle. Travel and bad timing make me think we are out this month...but my temp jumped back up a tiny bit after being just above cover line the last two days, which makes me feel a little more hopeful than I actually think is realistic. AF should arrive by the end of the week.

    Otherwise, trying to stay focused on eating healthy and exercise. Looking forward to a work conference a few hours away the end of the week and catching up with some friends up there. LO is coming but my MIL will watch her during the day. And I am cutting back to 30 hours as of next week!

  40. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    I'm sitting at 7DPO. My nipples are sore but that could be from the trigger shot, I don't know anymore.

    I'm usually very positive and whatnot but I'm in a major bitterness/jealousy funk right now... SIL is getting married this weekend and the baby comments have already started on FB (about her). I really worry that they're going to happen all weekend and I don't know if I can be strong enough to not lose it. Never mind I'm not drinking right now!

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