apricot / 287 posts
@LindsayInNY: good idea, hope it goes well. My tubes were clear but my dr likened it to clearing the cobwebs, I got my BFP that cycle! Fingers crossed for you!
coconut / 8475 posts
@LindsayInNY: for what it's worth, mine said the same. Even if your tubes are not blocked, the ink runs through and kind of flushes your tubes out of any mucus and/or thick/dried blood. I was like why not?!
bananas / 9229 posts
Okay, so my experienced was a breeze! I don't know if it was the Valium/Ibuprofen that helped or what. Honestly, I thought a normal pap is more crampy/painful than this was. And, if you've ever been so lucky as to experience a colposcopy or biopsy, that was much worse.
The doctor explained everything along the way. Inserting the speculum was as expected any other time. He swabbed my cervix with iodine which I barely felt. It almost tickled, if anything. I didn't really even feel the catheter, little balloon/bubble thing or the dye. It's been almost 6 hours since and I haven't bled/spotted or leaked any dye. Just some iodine residue. I'm wondering if the dye came out right away? He said it was a clearish color but sometimes is blue/purple because of the iodine. Otherwise, everything looked good and clear! Whole lot of worrying for nothing!
apricot / 287 posts
@LindsayInNY: so glad you had a good experience! Now get busy! Even if you didn't have any blockages, lots of people get a BFP after an hsg, I know I did, fingers crossed for you!
bananas / 9229 posts
@Mrsk: I should be Oing next weekend so have plenty of time to get some BDing in!
@babycanuck: Did your doctor prescribe you anything? Wall me if you want more info! Mine was honestly not that bad at all. I was all worried for nothing! They didn't even use stirrups. I bend my legs, got everything inserted and then was able to put my legs flat while the dye did its thing!
pomegranate / 3105 posts
@LindsayInNY: They said at my internal on Thursday they'll discuss it more but definitely to take 2 advil about an hour before going for it.
bananas / 9229 posts
@babycanuck: My prescription strength was 800mg which is four regular ones. Just sayin
eggplant / 11408 posts
@LindsayInNY: I am so glad that it went well! Also, I second @Mrsk: I hope that this is your lucky cycle. I wasn't blocked, but clearing the cobwebs helped me get my sticky baby!
persimmon / 1177 posts
Just had my HSG this morning on CD7 and wanted to share my experience since it was helpful reading everyone else's!
Everything went well and the nurse/doctor were great about explaining what was going on as it happened.
I took a few Advil before the appointment. I changed into a gown and got on the table. It was a little awkward since there were no stirrups so I had to let my legs hang off the table until the doctor was ready (just a few minutes). Inserting the speculum and the betadine swab felt just like a pap smear - no pain, just a little tickle with the swab.
I felt some sharp cramping when they put in the catheter/balloon, but it was quick and stopped as soon as it was in place. There was a couple minutes of just laying there while they waited for the radiologist to get situated. Awkward, but not painful.
The dye came next and felt like a slow building menstrual cramp, kept getting more intense (but not overwhelming). Then I heard the radiologist say "both sides clear", and the cramps immediately went away.
They took everything out and the doctor showed me the image of my uterus/tubes and said everything looked good!
I've had some mild cramps since then and a little spotting/leakage from the dye (hard to tell if it was actually spotting, or the betadine since the the betadine was reddish/brown colored.)
Hopefully it cleared me out a little, so fingers crossed that it helps my chances for a this month!
apricot / 288 posts
@Happygal: My experience was extremely similar to yours!
My HSG was yesterday on cd 6 (4/17). I took 800mg of Advil 45min before my procedure; if it helped, I'd hate to know what it would be like without any.
The nurse and tech were very step-by-step about what would happen/what was going on. I didn't start feeling pain until the catheter was going in (I felt every centimeter). When he inflated the balloon he said I would feel a period cramp, however it was much more intense and I felt it through to my lower back. I then had to scoot up the table to lay flat under the x-ray (awkward with everything in there). As he started to inject the fluid I felt waves of cramping; I teared up towards the end.
After he removed everything, I had to rest a moment and sit up slowly (the nurse said people pass out). I was told to wash up in the bathroom, then I laid back down for the a few more x-rays with no instruments.
I had some lower back pain on the drive home, and some cramping later at home. I thought I would spot/leak a lot but I've barely had any.
I should also note that my doctor put me on antibiotics starting the day before the procedure.
cherry / 115 posts
I had my HSG yesterday (5/9) on CD 9. The IF nurse told me to take 600mg of Advil one hour before the procedure. I thought it was a lot going in, but now I wish I had taken more like others did!
The doctor freaked me out in the beginning. He came into the room and asked me about my previous C-section. Um, what? I've never had a C-section, I've never even been pregnant before! He apologized and said that he had a ton of patients today and must have gotten the charts mixed up. Before he did anything else I made sure he had all of my information right. I was not taking ANY chances!
Word of advice: do not look at the catheter. That thing was so long it psyched me out immediately. I had a hard time relaxing. It wasn't too bad though, until they started the dye. I was not prepared for the intense level of cramping. They checked my right tube first and it was all clear. Then they had trouble with my left tube. They pushed way more dye through for my left tube. I had to tilt, turn and scoot all while they kept pushing dye through. Finally the doc told me that my left tube my inconclusive. I started to cry at the thought of having to come back and do this all over again, but the tech came out and said that he could see the dye coming out of my left tube. Thank God!
After I cleaned up in the bathroom, I hurried home to take some more meds. They only lasted a few hours though and after I had a lot of cramping. I did not spot or leak as much as I thought I would though. Today, I'm feeling much better, although I'm still kind of sore.
I've heard that some people get after having this done, so hopefully something good will come out of the experience!
persimmon / 1388 posts
Adding my experience! I apologize for the length, but I enjoyed reading detailed experiences when I was mentally preparing for the HSG!
CD6: I gave my prerequisite urine sample for a pregnancy test the day before my HSG was scheduled. (My HSG was scheduled for CD7). The test was of course negative, so I was allowed to keep my radiology appointment the following day.
Upon the instruction of my OBGYN, I was instructed to take 3 ibuprofens 1 hour prior to my appointment (600mg in total). A few days prior to my HSG, he offered to write a script for something stronger, but I declined. I arrived at the radiology unit of the hospital about 30 minutes before my scheduled appointment time. The x-ray tech led me to a dressing room where I was instructed to take off everything waist down and change into a lovely backless gown. I was thankful they also provided robes so that I could cover up my naked ass, ha!
After I changed, the tech led me to a room across the hall where the test would actually be performed. I hopped onto the table while the tech went over how the test would be performed. I signed a few consent/waiver forms and waited for my OBGYN to arrive.
When my OBGYN arrived, he and the tech suited up in those protective lead suits. My OBGYN again explained how the procedure would go (brief summary): Speculum inserted, cervix cleaned, catheter inserted, radiologist comes in, OB injects dye, radiologist takes the pictures, results are immediate.
The speculum insertion and cervix cleaning wasn't bad at all - similar to a pap, I'd say. But oh, the catheter. NOT my friend. The insertion of the catheter/balloon gave me about 5 seconds of really intense pressure (ok, let's be real - pain!) It felt like a really, really strong menstrual cramp. I remember saying out loud, "I think I'm going to throw up." (I didn't actually vomit, though!) The tech was sooo helpful; she kept reminding me to take deep breaths because she could tell I was holding my breath in. After the initial discomfort of the catheter subsided, the tech called the radiologist in the room and they positioned the machine over my abdomen and I laid my legs flat (they were previously up in these makeshift stirrup things). My OBGYN had the dye ready and when the radiologist gave the ok, he injected the dye. A few seconds later, my he announced that the dye flowed very nicely - in fact, it was one of the fastest procedures he's performed! I experienced zero pain/cramping when the dye was injected.
I'm not sure why, but I expected to be lying there forever waiting for the dye to flow? I said to my doctor, "that's it!?" Yup, that was it. I was able to lie on the table for a good 5 minutes after everything was taken out to make sure I wouldn't pass out. When I got up, I went to the bathroom to clean up; I noticed when I urinated a small amount of pink blood did come out (normal, according to the doc, although in retrospect this may have been the solution leaking out of me? I think they said it was brown - this was one detail I didn't pay attention to!) I did use the huge pad the hospital provided, although I probably did not need something that absorbent. A pantyliner would have done the job just fine.
My OBGYN did confirm that occasionally couples do find success conceiving in the months following the HSG, since the dye is oil based and can "clear out the cobwebs," so to say.
It's been 3 days since my HSG. I had some light spotting going into the HSG, so I'm not sure if the (dark brown) spotting I experienced after the test was actually from the test or just my normal spotting? No spotting the day after - although I did experience mild cramping - nothing 2 ibuprofen couldn't help. Yesterday (2 days post-HSG), my husband and I DTD and I spotted afterwards - my cervix was probably still irritated.
I hope I didn't miss anything!
apricot / 453 posts
Mine was like nothing. After hearing so many horror stories about intense pain, fainting, etc. I was terrified. But mine wasn't even painful. I took Tylenol beforehand and during, I felt one pain that felt like a moderate menstrual cramp. That was it. I was at work an hour later, no bleeding, no cramping.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@charmed: @Kelli_Deluxe: you ladies are January mamas, right? So was your HSG cycle your lucky one?
persimmon / 1177 posts
@LovelyPlum: yep, I got my BFP the cycle I had the HSG
I also started taking progesterone for a short luteal phase the same month, and was on vacation the week before O, so I think it was a combination of all those things that helped.
apricot / 288 posts
@LovelyPlum: Yes as well! I credit the HSG plus the supplements DH and I were on!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
I do want to update that my second HSG was completely different from my first. No post op pain! Though, they did numb my cervix with lidocaine (I think?) and that freaking hurt... then inserting the cathether hurt. So the procedure hurt because of numbing injection then followed by the contracting.
Though, like I said, I was not bed ridden after the procedure so I'll take it.
The difference was that the first time they injected betadine (iodine based) and I've had minor allergic reactions to shellfish in the past. I think betadine on my skin is fine but internally my body did not like it. My RE checked for infection and found nothing. So I think it was problem minor inflammation. My second HSG they used a non-betadine formula and I was fine afterwards.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@charmed: @Kelli_Deluxe: yay! It was my lucky cycle, too. That, plus progesterone and baby aspirin. And some Congratulations!
kiwi / 533 posts
Successfully completed my HSG today! I took 2 hrs from work .. And I can tell you I was nervous before I left!!! I got there and was feeling a tad anxious. DH was meeting me there from work and I was called back before he made it. ::queue nerves:: I knew he couldn't come into the flouro room anyways.. The dr talked me through the entire thing and I watched on the monitor. Honestly the only thing I felt was him cleaning my cervix. Now- I almost wish something was wrong so I didn't have to freak myself out about my cycle 3 testing an egg quality.. But all looked good. My uterus is slightly arcuate- meaning there is a slight arc to the top of it- but not enough to have any concerns. My right tube spilled right away.. The left took a second- but was open. Now maybe it was a tiny bit blocked which is why it didn't spill like the right. But I think that is hopeful thinking
kiwi / 636 posts
That was one super quick HSG! I got there slightly late because I went to the medical office where my RE is located, when I was supposed to be checking into the hospital across the street. The RE explained the process and I felt very comfortable with her. She even talked me through what she was doing while the procedure was being done and had this very calming voice in helping me relax. I was told that my HSG is considered normal, that both tubes were open and nothing was found. I only had one slight cramp when the dye flowed to my ovaries. While it was an easy procedure, it's not something I'd want to do again. I felt gross when all the dye fell out and was sticky feeling. I changed my pad because I felt as if a lot of stuff was flowing out (it really wasn't). I'm totally fine and just enjoying the rest of my afternoon.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
Adding my experience!
It was quick and easy peasy. I can't even believe I thought I needed a vallium. I was nervous walking in because I'd unnecessarily hyped myself up. There was a paper work issue that delayed my test by 30 minutes. And then the test itself was so quick. Like maybe a minute.
I undressed from the waist down and put a full length gown on. I slid to the bottom of the table first, then I slid up under the Xray. I was able to see the xray as it was happening, but I didn't fully understand it. I was told no blockage, all looked good, you're good to go. The worst part about it was that I found something sticky on my ankle as I was getting in my car.
Also, no co-pay for my insurance. So it cost me nothing. So nice since I thought I was going to pay out of pocket for the whole thing.
Here's a picture of the actual exam room that I snuck. Is it weird I took this picutre?
pomelo / 5000 posts
@MrsMcD: I'm glad you had a good experience all around. Bonus point for a picture!
My examination room looked a bit eerie b/c the lights were dim and the table was much higher (you had to climb up 2-3 steps to get up there).
persimmon / 1479 posts
@MrsMcD: Not weird at all! I'm glad you took it I have mine tomorrow. I'm glad I can get a sense of what the room might look like!
bananas / 9229 posts
@winter_wonder: My room looked similar to @MrsMcD: too. There were no stirrups. I put my feet on the table, knees bent to have the catheter inserted. Then I was able to bring my legs down for the actual procedure (if I'm remembering it correctly!).
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@winter_wonder: the only thing that was different for mine was that the x-ray machine was stationary and was positioned about 2 feet or so over the table, so I had to kind of slide in on the table underneath it. But like Lindsay said, also no stirrups. Good luck tomorrow!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@winter_wonder: I'm so glad the picture is helping you! That was what I was hoping for. Let me know if you have any questions. And please let us know how it goes.
@Happygal: The table in the picture was actually high too! The step stool was just used to prop the door open. Then, during the procedure, the table was raised up even higher!
@Shutterbug: The actual xray was also stationary in the picture I took. Its the oddly shaped thing hanging above the pillow. So I started close to the front edge of the table for the catheter to be put in, then the nurse girl pulled the sheet I was on so that I slid back under the xray. So no scooting per se for me, but same effect.
persimmon / 1479 posts
@MrsMcD @Lindsayinny @shutterbug: Thank you! I'm so anxious for tomorrow, I just want it over with! But, I keep telling myself it's totally worth it if it leads me to a I'll give an update when it's over!
persimmon / 1479 posts
Just got home from my appointment. Whew...the hsg was a bit different than I expected. Maybe I'm a huge wimp, but I wanted to post my experience.
When I first got to the hospital I had to pee in a cup to confirm that I wasn't pregnant. I think the nurse called this the "three minute pregnancy test"?
I then went to radiology for the test. They did an initial x-ray while I was on my back. Then, they explained a bit about the procedure. The doctor mentioned that she was going to numb up my cervix and there would be a pinch or two when they were doing that.
I felt quite a bit of cramping as they were getting started. I did feel the pinches as they were numbing me up and lots of pressure. It seemed to be taking awhile and the doctor said two times "her cervix is so tiny." she kept apologizing and saying that she was having to adjust her tools to get a good look. I think this may be why my experience seemed a bit more intense?
Normally I think I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but this was pretty uncomfortable. I was squeezing the radiology tech's hand like crazy! I was breathing in and out, but wow....
Then, I thought we were all done (I think I kind of lost track of time at this point) and the doctor said "ok now we're going to put the dye in." For some reason I thought they had done that already?! Maybe because I felt like I was on the table forever? I had a moment of wanting to pop up from the table and be like "ok, just kidding, we're done here...I'm not doing this." But, of course I didn't!
I felt lots of cramping with the dye going in and then lots of cramping and pressure when I had to roll over a bit on my left hip and then my right. I didn't want to even move!!! I just wanted to hang on the that poor radiology tech's hand and not let go
But, it was all worth it because based on the preliminary report things look fine. The doctor did say there were some small "divots" (I think she used this term?) on my uterus, but nothing to worry about. She said I was a trooper and that I deserved a treat, lol I'm hoping she said this because it was difficult and not because I'm a giant wimp! I did treat myself to Starbucks on the way home
It looks like we are are good to go for IUI this month...fingers crossed that I'll get my LH surge next week
Anyway, I'm posing this not to freak anyone out but to let others know that if they've been told they have a small cervix it might take a bit longer and might be a bit more uncomfortable. I would definitely ask about a Valium if I had to do it again!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@winter_wonder: Wow! You had quite a bit of an experience there! But alls well that ends well, right? Your tubes are cleared and you are good to go for IUI. That's great!!
persimmon / 1479 posts
@MrsMcD: thanks yes, I'm just glad it's over! I'm very thankful that we can move forward with IUI this cycle!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@winter_wonder: I hope we are two of the lucky ones that get pregnant following the HSG!!
grape / 78 posts
Mine was super quick and easy, thankfully! Doc told me to take some pain tabs the morning of, drove myself there and was back home about 1.5 hours later.
The only discomfort I had was towards the end of the dye squirting when the pressure had obv built up. As soon as all the dye was in, the discomfort stopped and I had no further symptoms at all.
I was also given the thickest, longest,most archaic pad EVER which I'm pretty sure the hospital bought in bulk around 1902.
My HSG results showed good spillage, if that perhaps has any bearing.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@winter_wonder: I'm sorry that it was a bit painful but the good thing is that now when you have the IUI's done your doctor will be aware of the issues with your cervix being tiny.
persimmon / 1479 posts
@mrswin: Yes, very true! I'm going to ask her more about this at my next appointment too.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
So so glad to find this thread! I'm having mine done Tuesday. She didn't say anything about sex beforehand, but I read online varying accounts on can't have it for 24hrs before, 48hrs before, or from AF up until the test! I also read online you can't have sex for 24hrs after, 2 days after, etc. Were you given these instructions?
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