I read a bunch of threads here and there, but thought it could be helpful to have one thread where people can share their HSG experiences; feel free to cut and paste from your previous postings!
I read a bunch of threads here and there, but thought it could be helpful to have one thread where people can share their HSG experiences; feel free to cut and paste from your previous postings!
pomelo / 5000 posts
I had mine done today on CD 7. I popped some Advil before heading to the appointment.
It was really fast. My appointment was at 10:30, and I was out the door by 11. The actual procedure probably only took 10 minutes. There were three people in the room: the RE, a nurse, and the x-ray tech.
The cleaning of the cervix was uncomfortable, but not painful.
The insertion of the catheter and the dye part was really painful for me. I'm from stoic stock and consider myself to have a higher than usual threshold for pain. I was mentally prepared for menstrual cramp sensations, but this was nothing like it. Intense pain and pressure. Knowing it wasn't going to take too much longer helped me to power through it. Lots of deep breaths and attempts to not tense up all of my muscles. They needed me to tilt on my side, which was awkward. They also had me rub my stomach to help move the dye around, which was a welcome distraction and was instinctively what I had been wanting to do to help with the pain anyway.
One nurse said, "Your left tube was late to join the party."
The doctor had to remove the speculum in two parts, and I just wanted everything out all at once. I thought the dye would gush out of my body when I stood up, but there was just a few drips.
When I went to the bathroom to change, I understood how some women end up passing out. It was strange to go from laying on the table in pain to climbing down and getting dressed.
The doctor showed me my x-ray and said everything looked good. She was really chipper. When I asked about the "late to the party" comment, she waved her hand and said everything was fine.
The pain afterwards has been fine with menstrual like cramps. The whole thing made me sleepy; maybe that's my reaction to pain!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@Happygal: glad to hear you made it! I've heard that sometimes if you're tense it can take a while for the dye to go through your tubes. Maybe that's what the "late to the party" thing was about?
Copy/pasting my experience from another thread...
Some background: I am extremely nervous in all medical settings, I once fainted from a flu shot, and I've nearly fainted several times from blood draws and getting a mole removed.
There were three people in the room: a nurse practitioner (who did the actual procedure), a nurse (who stood by my head and explained what was going on on the screen), and an x-ray tech (who took the actual x-rays).
I took 800mg of Advil 30 minutes before my HSG, and I'm not sure if it was because of that or because my tubes weren't blocked, or maybe because a nurse practitioner did it instead of a tech, but it was almost painless for me. In fact, she put in the catheter and shot the dye and I didn't feel a thing.
The only pain I felt during the entire thing was when they couldn't get a good enough picture of my uterus or something... she said that the dye kept spilling right back out of my cervix, so she had to use a different catheter with a balloon. When she inflated the balloon I had about 5 seconds of sharp pain but nothing bad. Two hours later I had some mild dull cramps, but not bad at all. I never felt lightheaded at all (which is rare for me!)
My advice to ladies who have to go through this is to take some ibuprofen beforehand, and try to relax. And remember that even if it's horribly painful, it will be over in less than 5 minutes, and you'll (hopefully) never have to do it again.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Sorry. Since my experience was posted for a question about HSG being painful, I can't exactly copy and paste it into this thread.
To answer the question... Did you HSG hurt? My answer: Yes, but it was post-op pain. You can read more about it here. http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/is-an-hsg-really-that-painful#post-335132
As for overall experience, the actual HSG was ok (I could deal with the pain) but I am not looking forward to the post op pain. I'm pretty sure I will have to do another one sometime soon. It's going to be a couple months so it's not making me nervous now.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Shutterbug: I'm glad yours was an easy experience!
@Mrs.Someone: I hope yours is as uneventful as Shutterbug's. It did help me to have an idea of what I was going to go through. Do let us know how yours goes.
@Bluestriped Bee: you can share more if you want! I feel like the biggest question about the HSG is the pain, and I liked reading about the entire experience. That's how I mentally prepare for things. I'm sorry yours was a painful experience--I'm so glad it wasn't an infection.
It seems like the amount of pain really varies from woman to woman, and it isn't necessarily whether your tubes are blocked or not.
honeydew / 7968 posts
I didn't really have post op pain, but the actual procedure was extremely painful.
grapefruit / 4187 posts
I was really lucky. I took two advil an hour before like the Dr. recommended, but I didn't end up needing it. I changed into the gown and slippers, laid down on the table and about two minutes later I was finished. I only felt some pressure when they were inserting the dye, but it wasn't painful at all. I obviously wasn't blocked and they must have just gotten lucky with getting a good angle right away. They told me that sometimes it takes a while depending on the shape of your insides, which can be uncomfortable and painful.
My endometiral biopsy was another story. I'm actually really glad I didn't know how painful that was going to be ahead of time!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Mine overall went really well.
I was asked to take doxycycline the morning of the procedure and proceeded to vomit that up 30 mins later. Warning: if they tell you you can take it on an empty stomach, eat first anyway.
In the room was a radiology tech, a radiologist, and my hubby. Both staff members were women.
The inserting of the catheter was a little painful, and certainly crampy, but really not that bad. They took pictures regularly, then rolled me onto my belly and back on to my back to take another picture. The dye dripped out during that which was gross.
All looked good and I had very little pain afterward. I wouldn't mind doing it again if I had to.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@Happygal: Thanks! Part of me is hoping that something is a little blocked and they can clear it out. Then of course hoping I'll be one of the lucky who get pregnant just afterwards. My ND even mentioned that there is something about the dye that increases fertility.
kiwi / 545 posts
I had my first HSG back in July and though I can't remember all of the details, I do know that I got pretty crampy and took advil before the procedure. They had me roll to one side and then another to get a picture of both my tubes, which were both fine.
The second one was a couple of weeks ago to make sure my tubes were open from my ectopic in January. I didn't take any ibprofen simply because I didn't have any. My RE had me on antibiotics the day before, the day of, and the day after. I got very crampy, especially when they inserted the dye (holly bejeeesus!) but the tech was very quick and the procedure was a lot shorter than my other one. I did spot a few days afterwards (I didn't have any spotting from my first HSG). Both tubes are open and clear so that was a relief.
Both times I had cramping afterwards, not too bad more like period cramps.
pear / 1531 posts
The procedure was a total cinch for me. Just slight pressure, no pain. I then went straight to the airport for a work trip and felt totally fine. Everyone's is different, but I think most people have a painfree experience. One key is to ask your doctor for a good radiologist, preferably a real doctor. You want someone who does a lot of these, not just for comfort but because it is better to have the person doing the procedure interpreting the results. Not always possible, unfortunately..
cherry / 123 posts
MY HSG was pretty painful and they actually had to do the whole thing twice because they were having a hard time getting the dye go to one of the sides, and then one of the instruments they were using fell out. It was cool seeing my insides on the screen though!
Initially I was feeling pretty good afterwards (it felt like mild period cramps-totally bearable) but later in the afternoon my stomach started hurting and I felt a lot of pressure in my abdomen. At first I thought it was something I ate because it felt similar to how I feel when I eat something bad and am super gassy. I'm glad I took the day off of work!
pomelo / 5228 posts
Just back from my HSG. It went well, and was only painful when they put in the various instruments. My right tube was all clear, but she had to push a bit to clear out my left tube. Also, she thought there might be something going on on my left ovary, so she offered to do a quick (maybe even free?) ultrasound to check it out. Turns out it was just this month's lucky follicle. Hopefully clearing out that tube will do the trick!
A question for you ladies... I was told to wear a thick pad overnight because I might leak again in the morning. I hate wearing pads, so I'm wondering if anyone actually leaked the next morning?
kiwi / 526 posts
@Mrs.Someone: I did not have any leaking the next morning ... some trickling immediately after the procedure, but that's it! I don't think you need to wear a pad overnight.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Mrs.Someone: fellow pad hater here! I didn't wear my for long--not even that night. So glad it was easy for you!
eggplant / 11408 posts
My doctor wants me to have an HSG for repeat miscarriages. I wondered if anyone else has an experience to share. Also, can you share if you also had it for repeat miscarriage? I hadn't heard of this being done for that reason, so I'm curious how common it is. Thanks in advance!!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
I had the awkward experience of having two residents watch while the doctor did the procedure. The doctor was explaining to them that he has an alternative tool to use if he can't get the dye line inserted with the first tool. After many uncomfortable (cramping) attempts he ended up needing to use the other tool. That took plenty of attempts as well. Apparently my uterus was tilted. I took ibuprofen before the procedure but the cramping during the insertions was still painful and uncomfortable.
I was sore and had cramps for 3 days after. But it was all worth it because I got my BFP that cycle.
nectarine / 2765 posts
I had it done twice (couple years apart) and the procedure itself wasn't that bad. There was some discomfort but I don't remember it being any worse than any other time a doctor has rummaged around up there. It was afterwards that was kinda miserable. I had a lot of cramping for a couple days.
kiwi / 742 posts
@lovelyplum: my doctor did a hysteroscopy which looks at the uterus not just the fallopian tubes, he said since i had a previous miscarriage he wanted to make sure there was no scar tissue or polyps, etc in my uterus, they also performed a biopsy. Maybe that would make more since than a HSG.
My HSG experience wasn't horrible. I apparently have an "easy" cervix, haha, so inserting the instruments of torture was easy for the doctor and not painful for me. I wouldn't sign myself up to do it again though.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@TheReelDeal: that is interesting. I'm not sure if it would be better or not. Maybe I can ask, especially if this doesn't yield any interesting or useful results. I do have some chronic right aide pain as well, so maybe that is why he decided on an HSG instead. Thanks for the information
pomelo / 5000 posts
@mapleMoose: my uterus is tilted, and I hadn't thought about how that might affect the procedure. Interesting!
bananas / 9899 posts
Just thought I'd add my experience!
I was TERRIFIED of this procedure. I had read some real horror stories online and I do not have a high pain tolerance.
I'm happy to report... it really wasn't that bad at all!
I took 2 extra strength ibuprofens around an hour before the procedure. When I arrived, they had me take off the bottoms of my clothing (So pants and underwear) and cover myself with a gown. They put my feet in stirrups like when you get a pap smear. The doctor and nurse who performed my procedure were great. The doctor talked me through every step gently. I didn't feel the instrument going through my cervix at all. When they inserted the "dye" I did have what felt exactly like period cramping, but no sharp pains or anything like that. Both my tubes were clear. The whole procedure didn't take longer than 4 minutes!
I did have some bad cramping for about 20 minutes after the procedure and then it went away and I felt fine! I had some light spotting for the rest of the day.
My only recommendation is have some ibuprofen on hand for after the procedure too, because around 4 hours later when my first dose wore off my cramps came back. After taking more pain killers I again felt completely fine.
nectarine / 2808 posts
My HSG went great! The only thing that even remotely hurt was the pinch of the speculum and the doctor trying to position my cervix. I felt no cramping at all or any other pain. My tubes are both open and everything was normal. A little leaking afterward, but no big deal.
I took 5 ibuprofens beforehand, so maybe that helped.
nectarine / 2808 posts
P.S. My uterus is tilted and it didn't cause any problems at all.
apricot / 386 posts
It wasnt bad! I am so glad!!! It was uncomfortable when he put the giant speculum in and then a burning sensation during putting the fluid in, but overall not bad at all. Worst part for me has been the shoulder pain after! She said some people have it from the gas, and I had it! Its gone now though.
My tubes were clear so the left one must have been spasming during the laparoscopy. So hopefully it wont be long now!!!
bananas / 9229 posts
Reading all these experiences was a huge help!
I have to schedule mine tomorrow. I know my doctor said post-AF and pre-O. Is there any more specific time that it should be scheduled? She also prescribed me Valium, doxycycline (day before, of and after) and ibuprofen. I've never taken Valium before so I think I want to have DH bring me (I'd like him there regardless I think). Not quite sure how I'll react to that...
Anyone else have an experience to share?!
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@LindsayInNY: I thought it was quick and painless. I took no medication and was fine.
bananas / 9229 posts
@littlek: Am I good to do things afterwards? I'm thinking about trying for an appointment next Saturday which would be CD11. We have a meeting with our tax guy and a kids birthday party. Will I be good after (maybe crampy and leaky)?
pear / 1823 posts
I just took Advil beforehand and I was ok. I remember being a little uncomfortable afterwards but nothing crazy. You might want to give yourself some down time afterward just in case you're not feeling great.
apricot / 452 posts
@LindsayInNY: I went to work after mine. I was totally fine and not even leaky. All I took was advil.
bananas / 9899 posts
@LindsayInNY: I recommend bringing some Advil with you to work after incase you have slight cramping, but you'll be fine! I felt completely normal after about 20 minutes and I only had very light spotting.
bananas / 9229 posts
@FaithFertility: @justdarling: @pui: I found a location within walking distance of home so I scheduled an afternoon appointment. Figure I can work from home if I'm feeling fine or just kick back and relax
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
Wanted to jump in and share my experience... I had my HSG scheduled for 8:30 am on a workday. It took about 20 minutes, which very painful for about 20 seconds + mildly uncomfortable for about 5 minutes. I took 4 Advil beforehand and brought my own pad. Not much spotting, but a bit of leaking all day. I went to work with no problems.
apricot / 287 posts
@LindsayInNY: just jumping in to say I was fine after, I drove myself home, but I did spend the afternoon resting. I found my hsg incredibly painful, I actually yelled, as the level of pain took my by surprise, but it was only for a short time and was over once all the instruments were removed. Give yourself some time I'm your schedule of the day to rest afterwards, just in case, even if it's just an hour to lie down afterwards. Good luck!
bananas / 9229 posts
@Mrsk: Thanks! I took the afternoon off from work, in case I do need that time to rest. It's on a Friday too so that helps.
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