My sweet baby girl is here! Long version of the story- after having contractions here and there for a week or two leading up to my due date (12/17), I was really discouraged that she was going to be late, I'd end up in the hospital for Christmas, etc. Around 7:30 on the evening of my due date, I started having more contractions but was wondering if this was it. I took an extra long time reading bedtime stories with our toddler and prepared her that her uncle might be there in the morning if I had the baby tonight, but still was very unsure of this was it. By a little after 8, I texted BIL to be ready just in case. 9:45, spoke with the midwife because the contractions were getting stronger and closer and I wasn't sure how long to wait. She suggested I come in and by the time I got of the phone with her I was basically barking orders for BIL to get here NOW (he lives 5 minutes away thank goodness). Contractions were coming fast and furious in the car on the 20 minute drive there (DH ran an almost red light, movie style). Got to triage at L&D around 10:30 or so, checked and 7 cm and fully effaced. I wanted to try laboring in the tub before discussing the possibility of an epidural (planning for med free but was in a lot of pain). Well they didn't even have time to get a 20 minute fetal monitoring or to fill the tub before I needed to push. Basically we hurried from triage to the delivery room across the hall and I was pushing. Everything moved so fast I felt pretty out of control, and her heart rate wasn't responding well to contractions (same thing happened with her big sister) so they had me just push as hard and fast as I could. At 11:18, a little more than half an hour after I arrived at the hospital, I had my baby! Despite talking about names for months and months, it still took us another ten hours or so to decide- Grace Amelia. 8 lbs 5.8 oz, 20 in long.
I had some tearing but nothing major, both of us are doing well. She is mostly breastfeeding well, just getting used to everything. Big sister is in love and I'm happy to be home as a family of four!