Juliana was born yesterday at 2:07pm, 20.5 in, 7lbs 9 oz. Very peaceful baby. So thankful. Still so surprised about going into labor 39 weeks, water breaking first, and how amazing the epidural was. For reference, my son was 9 days late with a 24-hr induction with back to back contractions, stalled labor, and I wasn't allowed an epidural due to low platelets, and

Birth timeline:
4:30pm: Cervical check at OB 1.5 cm,
6:00pm: nurse son for 10 min, got cramps, laid down
6:30pm: LO1 patted my belly saying "baby" and then my water broke
7pm-1am: not really contracting, chilling in OB triage, finished some grading while standing/rocking
1-7am: 2 cytotec doses got me to 4cm and effaced, but lots of pain and crying about being stuck in bed for monitoring and my water breaking putting the 24-clock on labor. Even though it was early labor, my contractions felt like a thick wooden pole being shoved through my vagina.
8am: luckily my platelets were high enough so I got the perfect epidural: even on both sides, could move and feel legs, having contractions but not feeling them. Seriously AMAZING and REVOLUTIONARY and PHENOMENAL. totally labor-altering element.
10am: started lowest level of pit, at 4cm still, rested, hazy sleep
1pm: 10cm, yeah! WHAT?!
2pm: baby born after 40 min of pushing. I could feel the pressure and the pushing but not pain.

I had some low blood pressure after delivery but that was managed quickly. Small 2nd degree tear and some swelling.