DS is just over 10 months old. We started purees at 6 months. He initially gobbled them up, but then started teething, and hasn't stopped yet - 8 teeth in 2.5 months, and has been touch and go for a while. He usually eats well at daycare. Purees or whatever the other kids eat mashed or cut up. At home for dinner he doesn't each much at all. He eats puffs and cheerios a lot throughout the morning and evening though. He is kind of picky, hates his high chair for more than 5 minutes, and feeding him in other places doesn't work much better. He has tried a few new things - ground beef, chicken, bread, egg, potatoes, pasta noodles, cut/steamed veggies - and can feed the pieces to himself, but only eats maybe 10 tiny bites when feeds himself pieces while we are at home. After 2-4 ounces of puree he starts refusing and screeching to get out.

At 10 months, how much was your LO eating? Was your LO eating purees still or small pieces to feed themselves? Did they eat a lot less while teething? Was there a point when they started eating a lot more? When were they eating enough to start weaning them off of formula?

I feel like the rate we are going he's going to be a picky eater who is on formula forever because he won't eat enough solids to get enough nutrition!