So my LO is 5 months (3 months adjusted...she was born 2 months early) you think I should start solids at her "real" 6 months.....or her adjusted 6 months? Is the development of a preemie's GI tract delayed?
So my LO is 5 months (3 months adjusted...she was born 2 months early) you think I should start solids at her "real" 6 months.....or her adjusted 6 months? Is the development of a preemie's GI tract delayed?
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
I would probably split the difference and start at 7 months (5 months adjusted). But also just watch her for signs of readiness. Does she reach for your food and/or smack her lips when you are eating? Is she sitting unassisted? etc, etc.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@MamaMoose: ah, good point looking for signs of readiness! Thank you! If that's the case she has a ways to go.
coconut / 8498 posts
I would check with readiness and also seek the advice of my pediatrician.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
@Weagle: yup, I'll definitely ask the ped next time we go....I was just curious as to what others have done but you're right, it's a case by case readiness thing.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
@Ginabean3: we started at almost 7 months with olive. (it's already fuzzy!) she was born 5 weeks early. in general i went with her adjusted age for every milestone because she was behind at least 5 weeks.... usually more for every milestone.
pear / 1579 posts
@Ginabean3: my daughter was 5 weeks early and we started about two weeks before her real 6 months. She was showing signs if readiness before then but I chose to wait. I would ask your pediatrician. Usually babies are very good at letting you know when they are ready!
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@Ginabean3: Glad you posted this. I've been wandering, too. Our boys were only 4 weeks early, and while they are definitely a little delayed, it seems to only be 2-3 weeks. My plan is to check with our ped. and watch for the "readiness" signs, but my expectation is starting around 6 1/2- 7 months.
pomelo / 5628 posts
I do everything adjusted. I started solids at 5.5 months and lo was 15 weeks early.
kiwi / 575 posts
My little one was 7 weeks early and we waited until closer to her adjusted 6 month birthday. She wasn't really interested until then anyway...
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