Hellobee Boards


Starting solids...did you wait until 6 months?

  • poll: When did you introduce solids?
    Before 6 months : (28 votes)
    48 %
    6 months : (28 votes)
    48 %
    After 6 months : (2 votes)
    3 %
  1. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: My pediatrician is a fan of offering around 5 months and see how it goes. My first had zero interest until closer to 7 months and wanted nothing to do with purees. Our newest little one was ready at 5 months and is all about the purees.

  2. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    More or less at the 6 month mark; maybe like 1-2 weeks max before!

  3. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    We started a week or two after 4 months. The pediatrician said she based it on a baby's head control, and our baby's been holding his head up since he was born (pretty much) so she said we could start whenever, and just follow his cues.

    We started with oatmeal, then have added a new puree on a weekly basis. He has oatmeal at school, then a little bit at home for "dinner" with about an ounce of fruit or veggies. He still takes 3-4 7 ounce bottles at daycare, but started cutting back on nighttime eating once he was eating regularly (there's probably 4-5 ounces of formula in all of his cereal combined, so he's basically "eating" the equivalent of a bottle in formula)

    Some research is saying the rise in allergies could be due to people avoiding them for too long in recent years, so we're trying to introduce the biggies by 6 months. So far he's had wheat and egg. We're working on peanuts and milk next.


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