The title pretty much sums it up, but here is the back story.
My LO (13 months) got a stomach bug on Saturday night and still hasn’t fully gotten back to her norm. The vomiting only lasted a day, but she is still dealing with a weak stomach and diarrhea. We had been in the process of transitioning her to cow’s milk (which wasn’t going too well) so she was nursing at home and taking bottles with 50% BM and 50% WCM while at daycare. When she got sick, the pediatrician recommended stopping the WCM for a week or until she was doing better with the food & diarrhea. (On top of this, we had to stop mid-course of antibiotics for an ear infection that I know think has come back. )
This was all fine and good until I came down with the stomach virus on Mon/Tues. It really has all but annihilated my supply! I’m pumping/nursing as often as I can, but am getting only an ounce or so each time….nowhere near where I was before or what she will need if she’s now back to taking 100% BM for a few more days.
I probably have enough frozen to last me only one more day. I was ready to wean during the day and go to morning/nighttime sessions for as long as I could maintain a supply. But, I really didn’t want to go out this way!
Has anyone been through this at this stage in the game and still recovered their supply?