HI, I'm new to this board and I'm wondering if anyone has any success stories they could share? I'm 28 years old and I've been with my husband for 9 years, we started ttc 3 years ago with many failed attempts. We eventually just gave up and still nothing happened . Recently I went to a fertility specialist and found out I had some Congestion in my left pelvic and a titled uterus so my Dr suggested I undergo a laprascopy procedure . I went for my procedure March 16 and I had the works . Ovarian drillng, d&c , removed small cyst , removed endo and had a uterus suspension . I was told after surgery to not have sex for 3 weeks .I started my cycle March 23rd and started have cramps and pains on April 6th that have lasted thru until today April 9th . I'm wondering if it was ovulation so I do the BD on the 6th 7th skipped the 8th and again the morning of the 9th . Has anyone had success at conceiving so soon after their lap ? I'm beyond ready to take a HPT but of course I have to wait about. Thank in advance !