I've wanted to post this for ages, but haven't because every other time I want to post about breastfeeding, formula or supplementing I decide not to for fear of offending someone. That is not my intention, so I apologise if this does offend-- I'm just curious really and trying to figure things out.

I should make it clear that I am not against supplementing-- if I haven't pumped and I want to leave S with someone, we've given her the odd bottle of formula without worrying about it. I don't think it has to be all or nothing, black or white....

BUT what I am struggling to understand is the advice given around supplementing because it is felt that the baby is not getting enough breastmilk from its mother. It seems to be common practice amongst HB Mums. I spoke to one midwife yesterday who comes to our baby group and she doesn't understand it either-- her knowledge is based on the demand/supply theory and that when babies are going through a growth spurt, which does almost feel constant the first few months, keep offering the breast, keep getting the baby to demand and production will ramp up. This was my prior knowledge too and this is what we did.

However when S hit the 6wk growth spurt, I had SO many mothers tell me I needed to supplement or quit BF as this is the time they had to switch to exclusive formula feeding as they weren't making enough milk. And you know, they were right... for a few days, a week maybe around that time I guess I wasn't making enough milk. But was I starving my Daughter? I didn't believe so, so I kept at it. She's 10wks and has sttn (11-12hrs) for the past couple of weeks. I still feed on demand, though this now seems to be only 4x per day. I hope she's not hungry!

So I'm just wondering if I'm doing the right thing-- should I be supplementing during growth spurts? If she seems hungry? Also, weighted feeds-- as far as I know they are not common practice here (U.K.). They confuse me because how would you know whether the baby has had a full meal, or just a drink or snack?
