Can anyone tell me about their experience with diastasis recti? I feel pretty strongly that I have it (I can fit at least 2 fingers between my ab muscles when doing the check), but I can't find any non-biased information online (everything I find is coming from someone trying to sell something to fix it). Should I call my OB to diagnose it or my GP? How big does it need to be to require PT? I've been taking Pure Barre classes, which focus a lot on the transverse abdominals, but they also do a lot of other ab work...should I continue? And, how long did it take for yours to heal itself? I'm 4.5 mo PP and only 3 or 4 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and still look 16 weeks pregnant. I'm so tired of trying to find clothes that will disguise my belly, and forget about a swimsuit! I have at least 2 dozen bikinis that can go straight to the trash now.
Sorry for ending on a vent-ish note. I'm getting a little frustrated! Thanks in advance for any insight!