So I've had a thousand eating posts. Luckily since we switched LO to nutramigen and I've cut out dairy and soy she has started eating willingly again and feeding her is far far less stressful.

But she's still not back to "normal" with eating-- or at least she's not back to how she was before.

I'm wondering though if her habits are within the range of normal baby eating behavior (even though she used to eat better) or if it still seems like there is a problem.

Before she started the bottle refusal, she would usually eat 5, maybe 6 times/day. If it had been 3 hours since she'd last eaten, you could guarantee she would eat. She'd eat anywhere, regardless of what was going on (like I could feed her downstairs on the couch while watching tv, no problem). I could offer 3 ounces and if she finished it and was still hungry she would whine and I'd give her 2 more and she'd take it even if it took me a few minutes to get it together. She ate 25-29 ounces/day.

Now she will eat willingly but she is fussy about it. She has to have no distractions (you can't talk to her, or to anyone else in the room, or have the tv on), and she has to be super calm. She won't ever eat half way between naps because she's way too worked up/awake. Most of the time she will eat right before a nap when she is sleepy. Sometimes if she is still sort of wound up she'll only eat 1-2 ounces and then seem like she wants to eat but won't do it. If I rock her a minute until she is sleepy (but awake) she'll usually eat more. Also usually if she finishes a bottle and it takes me more than 30 seconds to get another bottle in her mouth, she's done. She really only wants to eat 3-4 hrs (sometimes 5 hrs), which means she only eats 4, maybe 5 times/day. She eats anywhere from 19-23 ounces.

I don't know if there is still possibly a problem, or if she has maybe just become sort of a fussy eater and that's okay.

I'm not all that worried about it because she's at least eating willingly now and she's eating enough that I'm not going to be worried about it until/unless she starts dropping weight (she always has at least 6 wet diapers/day. Usually 7-8). But just curious if some babies are just fussy about eating like this, or if this still sounds not normal?