I still have 3 months til P is one but i am TERRIFIED to do this. he still gets up most nights for a bottle (and usually drinks the whole 6 ounces!) so i do not know how im suppose to cut that off by 12 months!!
share your expierences please!
I still have 3 months til P is one but i am TERRIFIED to do this. he still gets up most nights for a bottle (and usually drinks the whole 6 ounces!) so i do not know how im suppose to cut that off by 12 months!!
share your expierences please!
pomelo / 5178 posts
We just did the transition with DS. At 10 months, we introduced milk in a sippy cup during meals. He didn't drink much, and he continued drinking his normal amout of formula. At 11 months, I started cutting down his bottles. He was taking 8 oz before each nap and bedtime, and 1-2 bottles of 6 oz in the middle of the night. The first week, I cut his daytime bottles down to 6 oz, and his middle of the night bottles down to 4 oz. The next week I cut his daytime bottles down to 4 oz; I continued to feed him 4 oz for his first night waking and just put him back to sleep without a bottle if he woke a second time. The third week, I stopped giving him bottles before his naps, and upped his bedtime bottle back up to 8 oz. I also cut his middle of the night bottle down to 2 oz. The fourth week, he started STTN. I also stopped giving him formula in his bedtime bottle, and started putting 6 oz of warm milk in there instead. So at 12 months, he was completely off formula and down to only one bottle of milk a day.
He has had a couple of 4 oz bottles in the middle of the night since then, because he's been teething. We also will start working on switching out his bedtime bottle for a bedtime sippy cup full of milk in the next week. We used this same method to wean our DD, and since we don't do CIO, this gradual approach has worked well for us.
pear / 1723 posts
I'm interested in this too! At 8.5 months, my kids still eat 1-2, 5 oz bottles overnight, and aren't really gung-ho on their solids yet.
@Honeybee: thanks for sharing, that's really helpful!
pomegranate / 3890 posts
@Honeybee: thank you so much! This helped a lot. I liked the gradual approach you did. Did you lo cry in the middle of the night if he noticed his bottle wasnt as many ounces as usual? My lo will scream if he doesn't get enough to eat in the middle of the night! CIO is not an option for us so I'm really afraid of the nighttime weaning!
pomegranate / 3204 posts
@Honeybee: How hard was it to stop giving bottles before naptime? We are going through this right now, and DS thinks he needs a bottle every time before naptime.
Also, do you offer water or milk throughout the day? What about with meals?
pomelo / 5178 posts
@stargal: @Springtime: DS did cry some when taking away his naptime bottles and if he wanted more to drink during the middle of the night. With him, I've noticed that if we can just wait out the crying one time (I'm usually rocking him or holding him while he's crying; he's never left alone), it lasts about 30 minutes and he's perfectly fine without it the next time. With my DD, that kind of approach wouldn't have worked. With her, I'd let her cry maybe 10-15 minutes ( again while rocking her) before giving her a bottle. After a few days, she was fully adjusted. So I think you can vary your approach depending on what works for your kid.
We give DS a sippy of milk at mealtimes and snacktimes. The rest of the day he has his water bottle available at all times. Our pediatrician said he only needs 12-16 oz of whole milk a day, and he takes 8 oz at bedtime, so he doesn't really need much milk during the daytime. He probably takes 4-6 oz of milk over the day, and 8-10 oz of water.
pomegranate / 3388 posts
We weaned at 1 year. Basically, during the daytime I stopped feeding DD bottles, and instead I gave her a sippy cup of cow's milk with each solid food meal and snack. For a few days I felt like she wasn't getting enough to eat, but she caught on really quickly. For her nighttime bottle I switched it to water a couple of weeks after she turned one. As soon as I started feeding her a bottle of water instead of milk at bedtime, she mostly lost interest. Now we have entirely switched to just having a few sips of water from her sippy cup in the evening before bed.
Basically, DD's eating habits adjusted really quickly once I weaned her from her bottles. Of course, she didn't wake during the night to eat since she was very little, so it might have been more difficult if she was expecting food in the middle of the night...
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