If you tested out your trigger, when did you start testing? I did a test yesterday and today at 3 and 4 days past trigger and it isn't getting lighter at all so I'm thinking I should wait a bit longer until it starts leaving my system.
If you tested out your trigger, when did you start testing? I did a test yesterday and today at 3 and 4 days past trigger and it isn't getting lighter at all so I'm thinking I should wait a bit longer until it starts leaving my system.
pomegranate / 3809 posts
I never did this, but I recall others saying that they tested out the trigger by day 9 or 10 usually, so I'd start at 6 or 7 if I were to test it out.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I know lots of people find it more stressful, but for me, it's kind of like charting I think. It calms me down because at least I'm doing something. Sitting around waiting has never been my forte.
clementine / 849 posts
@travellingbee: Do you mind explaining what "testing out the trigger" means? I'm starting my first IUI cycle and will take the ovidrel shot after monitoring... just new to this and trying to understand the lingo and what I can do proactively. Thanks in advance
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@YogiRunner: sure, although clearly I'm new to this too. Testing out the trigger is when you are taking HPTs to see the hCG fade out of your system from the ovidrel shot. The point is that you can't take an early HPT when you've had the trigger shot, because you don't know if it is still the trigger shot hCG in your system or a BFP. If you test out the trigger you can watch it fade out, and then you know that anything after that is a real BFP. I'm really mostly doing it because I can't just sit around and wait. I like being able to see some evidence of what is happening in my body!
clementine / 849 posts
@travellingbee: Ah, got it, thank you! That makes perfect sense. I think I'll be the same way... 14 days is waaaay too long for me to just do nothing Wishing both of us lots and lots of luck!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@travellingbee: I didn't test multiple days in a row but during my IVF cycle I tested on 3dp5dt (8 days past retrieval) and got a negative. This way I knew the HCG trigger shot was out of my system. I didn't test again until 8dp5dt (same as 12 dpo) and got a positive. I wanted to be sure that when I tested before my beta the result wasn't being influenced by the trigger shot.
ETA: I never tested out the trigger with my IUI's when I used Ovidrill for the trigger
pomelo / 5628 posts
I still showed trigger at 9dpo and it was stark white at 10. Luckily a little pink again at 11...
coconut / 8472 posts
I started at either 5 or 6 DPO. I felt like it made me much more calm. One month it took forever to go away though, and I'm not sure if I had another chemical that cycle.
persimmon / 1316 posts
I tested out my trigger during my IVf cycle. I tested just once at 3dp5dt and it was gone, then got my BFP 6dp5dt.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I am 6dpiui and 8 days past trigger. Still some in my system but the test was pretty light today. I think in two more days it will definitely be totally out. Then I can obsess about if I see a new line!
kiwi / 636 posts
@travellingbee: I tested out my trigger daily after IUI & it was usually negative by 6-7 dpIUI I think. Good luck!
pear / 1750 posts
@travellingbee: good luck! I remember testing at 10 days post trigger (4dp5dt) and it was negative. The following day was my BFP!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@lazypanda: @macintosh: thank you! I'm a hormonal mess (I'm sure from the progesterone) and so anxious to get through this TWW.
pear / 1750 posts
@travellingbee: I remember that from the progesterone. That and the fact that I was cramping from my transfer a actually kept me from symptom spotting too much. I just figured it was all the meds.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Would you say it's almost out? I'm 9 days past trigger and I thought it would be barely visible....
persimmon / 1259 posts
@travellingbee: Almost out of there! Mine was BFN 10 days past trigger...
coconut / 8472 posts
@travellingbee: Is that pic within the 10 minute window? The month I got my BFP the trigger never totally went away - there were a few days when I got nothing in the time window, but it showed up a few minutes later. It's definitely getting lighter, but you might see it for another day or 2. I had one month where I could still see something at 12DPO. I'm still not sure if the trigger hung around that long, or if it was a chemical.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@ShootingStar: yeah, I showered and this was the line when I got out. So, 5 min?
coconut / 8472 posts
@travellingbee: Since you're 9DPT, you're probably 7 or 8 DPO? On the months that mine totally disappeared, it was around 8DPO, so you might see it for another day or so, depending on how fast your body metabolizes the trigger (assuming you did Ovidrel pre-filled).
pomelo / 5628 posts
Mine still showed at 4dp5dt (and trigger was 36 hours before egg retrieval). Then at 5dp5dt it was gone (white) and I got a positive at 6dp. You're almost there!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: good, thanks. That brings me back to reality. Did you do the ovidrel or 10,000 HCG?
So this is where I start to drive myself batty. Out of curiosity I took another test tonight, with highly diluted urine and I still got a line. The line needs to go or get darker. None of this limbo land!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@travellingbee: So I'm truly just holding out hope that the line doesn't go away, but starts to get darker and darker and darker! Can't wait to see tomorrow's test!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@sarahnicole218: well I guess I'm ok with either way (as long as there's a line there in few days)!
pomelo / 5628 posts
@travellingbee: I think you're just early! I think I did ovidrel every time. (4x...only tested out trigger for my IVF.)
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Looks like it's pretty much out. Just a shadow of a line now. I'm 8Dpiui/10dptrigger.
honeydew / 7230 posts
@travellingbee: Looks good! Can't wait to see your tests the next couple days!!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
It dried a bit darker but still very light. I'm irrationally disappointed to see it get lighter even though I know that is what it's supposed to do. Ah TTC makes me crazy!
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Hoping to see that line reappear in the next few says! Fingers crossed!
persimmon / 1396 posts
Now here is to hoping that a line reappears in the next couple of days!!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Ree723: @babynumber1: @Mrs Green Grass: @twodoghouse: @AprilFool: @BandDmommy: Thank you for the positive thoughts. So ready for this TWW to be over!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: I have my fingers crossed for you! When are you testing?
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Smurfette: LOL-- Every day!! I figure I've tested out the trigger...why stop there?!
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